v1.1.1 - 14 June 2018
* Improvement: Updated option `Open in iFrame` from `Single Page` portfolio item with `Open Portfolio Item in` which includes options `New Tab, Same Tab & iFrame`. Default option is New Tab.
v1.1.0 - 13 June 2018
* New: Added filter `astra_portfolio_post_type_args` to change the post type args. E.g. post slug, query_var, supports etc.
* New: Added option `Open in iFrame` for `Single Page` portfolio item. It open the portfolio in iFrame instead of new tab.
* New: Added filter `astra_portfolio_settings` to change the default portfolio settings. E.g. Change per page load items by setting `par-page` value.
* New: We have disable the portfolio items from the query. Now, Added filter `astra_portfolio_exclude_portfolio_items` to enable the portfolio items on front-end.
* Improvement: Added support of masonry and lightbox for mobile devices.
* Improvement: Divi page builder override the Portfolio grid and filter CSS. Override the CSS of Portfolio grid and filter for Divi Builder.