Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.13

Download Avada - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme 7.11.13 from nulled fire. Avada is the #1 selling WordPress theme on the market.
- NEW: 5 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Fusion Builder saved elements can now be used as globals, where any edits to the global will update contents on pages where the global is used
- NEW: Full screen scrolling sections with a side navigation graphic and fading animations between sections
- NEW: Added 100% height option to container element
- NEW: Sliding bar can be positioned on every side now (top/right/bottom/left)
- NEW: Sliding bar has new toggle layouts (floating circle / rectangle / menu item) and a set of new options, like sticky sliding bar
- NEW: Flyout menu is now available as additional mobile menu layout for all header versions
- NEW: Added import/export functionality to Fusion Page Options for easy usage of options across different posts/pages/sites
- NEW: Added set of page options to archive pages so that any archive can get individual styling (e.g. header, slider, page title bar)
- NEW: Added icon options to tabs element, so icons can be displayed on any side of the tab title and with an arbitrary size
- NEW: Added icon options to toggle element, so that icon alignment, size color and boxed/unboxed mode can be chosen
- NEW: Added a set of coloring options to pricing table element for deeper customization and to support new designs
- NEW: Added grid box background color, border color, separator style and separator color options to blog and portfolio elements
- NEW: Added grid box padding options for blog and portfolio archives and Fusion Builder elements
- NEW: Added full set of element and theme options to FAQ element so styling can be changed similar to toggle element
- NEW: Added sticky update/save and preview buttons to pages/posts using Fusion Builder for easier updating when page is scrolled
- NEW: Added Fusion Builder column options for deleting, cloning and resizing to nested columns element. Save icon cannot be added due to technical limitations
- NEW: Added parent level element options to content boxes, flip boxes, counter boxes and tabs elements for easier child item editing
- NEW: Revised our global sidebar setup to work more consistently with our option network
- NEW: Global sidebar assignments will work on all pages that use new "default" sidebar setting, even if forced global sidebars is off
- NEW: Side navigation setup (previously done via template) via the new vertical menu widget to display custom menu in sidebars and to simplify usage
- NEW: Added a full set of styling and alignment options for every widget that allows incredible new design possibilities
- NEW: Equal heights option is now available for blog and portfolio elements and archives in grid layout
- NEW: Equal heights option is now available for WooCommerce products on shop page
- NEW: Added Theme Option for choosing if WooCommerce shop page should be grid or list view by default
- NEW: Added Theme Option for choosing if the grid/list view buttons should be shown on WooCommerce shop page
- NEW: Added links to all user account page to the WooCommerce "My Account" main menu item
- NEW: Added margin options to font awesome element, so it can be positioned arbitrarily
- NEW: Added ordering options to portfolio element, so posts can be ordered by date, title, name, author, comment count, modified date, menu order or random
- NEW: Added options to order slides in Fusion Slider: post id, title, creation data, last updated or random
- NEW: Fusion Slider heading and caption can be set to any HTML heading tag (h1 - h6) for SEO optimization
- NEW: Option for Fusion Slider to display a downward arrow indicator on the slider which scrolls smoothly to page contents below slider
- NEW: Added preview images for Portfolio, FAQ and Fusion Slider post types in the dashboard list view
- NEW: Added options to recent posts element that allow meta data to be enabled/disabled individually
- NEW: Added a filter to Fusion Page Options so that developers can add their own tabs and use Avada specific UI
- NEW: Added filters for easily changing the portfolio strings like "Project Details", "Skills Needed" etc.
- NEW: Persistent object cache setups get cleared now on any kind of post manipulation to make sure changes are correctly reflected on front end
- NEW: Fusion Cache clearing functionality now can auto clear Autoptimize and LiteSpeed cache
- NEW: Added full set of mobile menu font typography options
- NEW: Full column link in column element now has option to choose if it should open in same or new tab
- NEW: Added notice about deprecation of PHP 5.2 support in Avada 6.0
- NEW: Added easy link selector support for options that take links, for better UX
- NEW: Added TinyMCE widget conversion for Fusion Builder elements when updating from Avada below version 5
- NEW: Avada grid image sizes can now be selected in the WP Media Library for easy usage
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Added native support for Envato hosted platform for easier plug and play integration
- NEW: Added new raw textarea element, so that HTML contents can be stored in elements like Google maps or tagline box
- NEW: Added Content display option for blog archives and for blog element global
- NEW: Added version and author information to the Add-ons featured on Fusion Builder Add-ons page
- IMPROVEMENT: Retina logos are setup through srcset now and not through additional HTML markup
- IMPROVEMENT: Avada's advanced responsive images now also working when using file names that are WP specific for generated thumbnails
- IMPROVEMENT: Social icons widget and element now use set names for custom icons in title for a better understanding UX
- IMPROVEMENT: Added a loading spinner when Fusion Caches are cleared to indicate progress
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Cache clearing works in modules now, allowing to only clear certain parts
- IMPROVEMENT: Portfolio element now displays a placeholder on mobile when Avada is used together with WP touch plugin
- IMPROVEMENT: Logo margin will no longer apply on front end, if no logo is set in Theme Options
- IMPROVEMENT: Removed old compatibility styles for IE8
- IMPROVEMENT: Google maps custom info box content is now displayed on front end, even if custom styling is disabled
- IMPROVEMENT: When using full screen Fusion Slider above header, the header is now also shown on mobiles
- IMPROVEMENT: Prefixed TGM plugin class to ensure compatibility with third party plugins using same class
- IMPROVEMENT: The avada-noscroll class now works for buttons in content and tagline boxes
- IMPROVEMENT: All needed token options are auto checked now when using the link to token generation on the registration screen
- IMPROVEMENT: Update page no longer needs reloaded after theme auto update in order for the update notice to be dismissed
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated option descriptions and explanations for better UX and fixed some typos
- IMPROVEMENT: Continued maintenance update to increase overall performance
- IMPROVEMENT: UTF-8 encoding is now automatically done during demo import to support maximum compatibility for post contents
- IMPROVEMENT: All mega menu options update live now, so dependent options no longer need a reload to show
- IMPROVEMENT: Demo data is no longer deleted after import is done, but remains available, so less requests are made
- IMPROVEMENT: Conversion related settings now have their own section on the system status page
- IMPROVEMENT: Import of Theme Options will now also work with max_input_vars at low values
- IMPROVEMENT: Consolidated all spacings, borders, background colors and separator options for blog and portfolio grid layouts for perfect matching
- IMPROVEMENT: Minor styling adjustments on different admin screens for better UX
- IMPROVEMENT: Implementation of blog pagination is refactored to improve performance when the amount of pages is very high
- IMPROVEMENT: Added new "default" option to the separator element style setting, so theme option setting can be used easily
- IMPROVEMENT: Make image meta data, like image titles, work for image elements on sites that changed URL scheme
- IMPROVEMENT: Image frame element is now simply called image, which fits its purpose much better
- IMPROVEMENT: Fusion Builder development mode includes more assets now unminified for easier development work
- IMPROVEMENT: When grid element color is set to transparent, borders are no longer added
- IMPROVEMENT: Simplified portfolio element text options for easier usage
- IMPROVEMENT: Better support of WP admin color schemes inside of Avada and Fusion Builder
- IMPROVEMENT: Better styling of search box in Fusion Page Options selects with a large amount of options
- IMPROVEMENT: Content boxes read more links can now be used for smooth anchor scrolling
- IMPROVEMENT: The WooCommerce login form in the main menu is now compatible with WP Engine security block filter
- UPDATED: Flexslider script to latest version 2.6.4
- UPDATED: iLightbox to the latest version 2.2.2
- UPDATED: Main navigation highlight radius option now uses a dimension field for better UX
- UPDATED: Better style integration for the new Events Filter Bar 4.5
- UPDATED: Removed custom WooCommerce product sorting from search results page, as it is no longer supported by WooCommerce
- FIXED: WCAG 2.0 issue with search in main menu not being accessible using the tab key
- FIXED: WCAG 2.0 issue with secondary menu drop downs not being accessible using the tab key
- FIXED: Lightbox thumbnail missing for portfolio posts that use a video URL for first featured image
- FIXED: Lightbox not correctly working on mobiles in some instances, when viewing in desktop mode
- FIXED: Menu cart widget being cut off through viewport when using side header when cart has a lot of items
- FIXED: Removed the loading spinner on variable products on WooCommerce shop page when select options button is clicked
- FIXED: Incorrect featured image from displaying when WooCommerce Product Bundles plugin is used
- FIXED: Theme options export URL not working
- FIXED: Direct tab links causing other tab elements on same page to be empty
- FIXED: Minor WooCommerce styling issue on single product page, when stock is down to only 1
- FIXED: Issue with sorting on WooCommerce shop page, where sorting direction is not always correct or requires two clicks
- FIXED: Issue with WooCommerce variable product attributes falling to one line in cart when updating the cart
- FIXED: Menu highlight arrow not working for the WooCommerce "My Account" main menu item
- FIXED: Variation name not correctly displayed on WooCommerce checkout page for variable products
- FIXED: Shipping address not being displayed on WooCommerce order received page
- FIXED: WooCommerce shop page shown in breadcrumb paths on archive pages, even when post type archives are disabled in Theme Options
- FIXED: Styling issue with YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Premium
- FIXED: Issue with WMPL, where caption and alt tags were not translated when multiple featured images are used
- FIXED: Styling issues with Events Tickets Plus forms
- FIXED: YouTube background video on containers always looping, even if set to no
- FIXED: Display issue with social sharing by mail when using titles with special characters
- FIXED: Minor issue with form input height for the search bar in main menu when not using px as unit
- FIXED: Quotation marks in contact form appearing as HTML entities
- FIXED: Quantity boxes from third party plugins losing the up/down arrows
- FIXED: Compatibility issue between Avada Facebook widget and Facebook Comments Plugin
- FIXED: Infinite scroll for blog elements being auto triggered under some circumstances when using masonry layout
- FIXED: Small inconsistency with the flyout menu icon font size
- FIXED: Blog element not displaying content when masonry layout is used and set to one column
- FIXED: Flip boxes not flipping correctly in latest Edge browser version
- FIXED: Image sizes in image carousel element not always being correct when fixed mode is used
- FIXED: Custom classes added to nested column element being doubled in HTML markup
- FIXED: Navigation arrows not correctly aligned in Fusion Slider when parallax mode is used
- FIXED: Amount of columns not showing in backend blog element preview
- FIXED: Fusion Slider full screen non-parallax layout not always correctly positioned
- FIXED: Fusion Slider compatibility issue with Polylang
- FIXED: Page title bar theme option for main blog archive pages only working on main blog page
- FIXED: RTL contents positioning issue in Page Title Bar
- FIXED: Responsive images calculation for one column setups being underestimated
- FIXED: Video resize issue when using a video element inside a container with video background
- FIXED: Missing alt attributes in mega menu thumbnail images
- FIXED: Menu anchor scroll not working on mobiles when JS compiler is turned off
- FIXED: Smooth scroll not working correctly with portfolio filters and load more button
- FIXED: Compatibility issue with plugins using same color picker instantiation function
- FIXED: Issue in IE11 where sub menus where not correctly displayed when using arrow highlight option
- FIXED: Page title bar vertical alignment issue in IE11 on mobiles
- FIXED: Browser history state when using anchor links containing underscores
- FIXED: A few PHP notices coming up in very rare cases
- FIXED: Missing map marker file in Music demo
- FIXED: Number of posts option in portfolio element not being able to pull global theme option value
- FIXED: Featured images not being auto selected in library, when editing the image in dashboard
- FIXED: Alt attribute missing for featured images, if more than one featured image is displayed
- FIXED: Mobile secondary menu hamburger toggle being misaligned
- FIXED: WP native video embeds overflowing content area, if viewport width becomes too small
- FIXED: Fusion Builder saved elements using incorrect status variable, which can lead to plugin conflicts
- FIXED: Gallery element on pages without additional content disables sticky header on load
- FIXED: Image carousel element sometimes overflowing wrapping container when there is not enough space
- FIXED: Equal heights for content boxes not working properly on iPad
- FIXED: Content on blog medium layouts flowing into sidebar on iPad
- FIXED: Fusion Builder element modals being too large on small screens, improved responsiveness
- FIXED: Scrolling issue with open modals on iOS, where scrolling or closing the modal does not work
- FIXED: Scrolling issue and doubled scrollbars when opening modal and smooth scroll is used
- FIXED: Color picker issue that caused the icon element color theme option affect flip box element icon colors
- FIXED: Equal heights option together with infinite scroll and dynamically changing post content causing display issues in portfolio element
- FIXED: Issue in slider element when saving the slider after removal of all slides causes an error
- FIXED: Heading typography settings not applied to all title element heading sizes under some circumstances
- FIXED: Auto calculation of first and last column, when updating from Avada versions < 4.0
- FIXED: LayerSlider import causing error when the LayerSlider plugin is not active
- FIXED: Ads widget not being displayed correctly
- FIXED: Polylang language switcher flags misaligned on mobile menu
- FIXED: Menu ordering buttons not working on the admin menu edit screen
- FIXED: Fusion Slider buttons not exactly left/right aligned on corresponding content layouts
- FIXED: Responsive type theme option not correctly working when Fusion Slider is enabled
- FIXED: Responsive type sensitivity options not working correctly when multiple sliders are on one page
- FIXED: Counter circles element incorrectly set back to 100% on resize and modal open when count down is used
- FIXED: Right side header in boxed mode not correctly positioned, when sticky footer is used
- FIXED: Lightbox on open jumping to top of page when sticky footer is used
- FIXED: Menu dropdown indicator on secondary menu on side headers being misaligned
- FIXED: Side header width not correctly respected in site width calculation for responsive images
- FIXED: Events Calendar filter bar date picker being below header
- FIXED: Small issue Fusion Slider assignment on pages translated using WPML
- FIXED: Portfolio one column buttons being to large in width when using full width buttons
- FIXED: Small gap above image on Events Calendar listing page on mobile
- FIXED: Shortcode generator not always correctly being triggered in editor text mode
- FIXED: Mega menu horizontal divider not respecting Theme Option menu separator color setting
- FIXED: Events Calendar single post sidebar styling being incorrect
- FIXED: Demo import fails if WooCommerce is activated from the demo popup
Version 5.2.2 - August 7th, 2017

- FIXED: Fusion Builder text editor color picker and heading dropdown being hidden on WordPress 4.8.1
- FIXED: WooCommerce product sorting not working correctly
- FIXED: Gallery element not displaying correctly inside of toggles
- FIXED: Alignment issue of content box icons using icon circles
- FIXED: "Text display" setting in recent posts element changing from "None" to "Full Content"
- FIXED: Bulk image upload from within advanced elements causing child element issue
- FIXED: Title size being incorrect on single blog posts when meta details are below title
- FIXED: Container and column background image not being visible in Chrome v60 (browser bug)
- FIXED: "View Cart" link on product rollover not always being clickable
- FIXED: Smooth scrolling to anchors not working for links on a different page
- FIXED: Toggle Active Box Color not working on non-boxed toggles
- FIXED: Demo removal issue (leading to empty Theme Option values) on clean installs when using PHP 7.1+
- FIXED: Header v6 WCAG issue for the slide out toggle
- FIXED: Image rollover not working on WooCommerce Featured Image element when using clean styling
- FIXED: Issue with nicescroll on pages that use infinite scrolling or load more AJAX options
- FIXED: RSS field automatically filled with same link as Twitter field in Social Links widget
- FIXED: Container element border Theme Option not working correctly in individual elements
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs post type for blog post archive pages always showing, even if disabled
- FIXED: Load more button background color setting not working for portfolio archives

Version 5.2.1 - July 17th, 2017

- NEW: Links and menu items now have a smooth hover transition effect
- NEW: Added new settings to Theme Options to enable/disable single rich snippets
- NEW: Added a note and a link to Theme Option setting on post edit screens for featured image boxes
- NEW: Added 'Settings" link to Fusion Builder on the WP plugins page
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- IMPROVED: Blog element excerpt / full content setting updated for easier choice
- IMPROVED: Post meta data saving to increase performance on post save
- IMPROVED: Google fonts now loaded before custom CSS to avoid issues when custom CSS is incorrect
- IMPROVED: Limit for custom social link icons raised to 50
- IMPROVED: Toggles in boxed mode can be collapsed/expanded now when clicking anywhere on the background
- IMPROVED: Added some new option dependencies for easier configuration
- IMPROVED: Removed several !important statements
- IMPROVED: Removed unneeded old importer script parts
- IMPROVED: Blog grid/timeline padding between title and content when meta data is disabled
- UPDATED: Added the 3 new 5.2 demos to the Fusion Builder single page imports
- UPDATED: jQuery Nicescroll script to version 3.7.4
- FIXED: WooCommerce checkout validation failing when selling to only one country
- FIXED: WooCommerce my-account billing address first name field label alignment
- FIXED: WooCommerce breadcrumb structured data missing
- FIXED: Portfolio archive number of items Theme Option not working
- FIXED: Facebook like widget not resizing correctly in sliding bar and undefined index issue
- FIXED: Boxed mode shadow not stretching over full content height when using sticky footer
- FIXED: Mega menu dropdowns not disappearing when anchor links are clicked on menu
- FIXED: Responsive image sizes sometimes being overestimated in columns when 100% width templates are used
- FIXED: Additional size in responsive images sizes attribute causing issue in Chrome
- FIXED: Dependency issue of animations JS causing script errors when animations are disabled
- FIXED: Toggle contents sometimes reaching edge when using boxed mode
- FIXED: 1px gap when using #home link for anchor scrolling in Chrome
- FIXED: 1px vertical gap between portfolio images in some browsers when 0 column spacing is chosen
- FIXED: Fusion admin news widget not working on some hosts
- FIXED: Fusion Slider full screen option not always working in Safari
- FIXED: main HTML5 tag not being supported in IE11 causing alignment and parallax issues
- FIXED: Long description not working when using LinkedIn for social sharing
- FIXED: Smooth scrolling issue in Firefox when using nicescroll
- FIXED: Comment form fields not being full width on mobiles
- FIXED: restore_current_blog() called incorrectly on Fusion cache clear and also double main blog clearing on multisite
- FIXED: A small styling issue with the element action buttons in Fusion Builder
- FIXED: Image preview of some elements in Fusion Builder to remove distortion
- FIXED: Child element icon search also affecting the parent icons in Fusion Builder elements
- FIXED: IE11 spacing issue with bg images in empty columns
Version 5.2 - July 10th, 2017

- NEW: 3 New Professionally Designed Demos
- NEW: Completely new demo importer user interface, that allows to partial install and also uninstall
- NEW: New demo importer allows to install individual portions of demos & uninstall demo content
- NEW: Added a new gallery element with several customization options with grid & masonry layouts
- NEW: Added masonry layout to blog and portfolio elements and archives
- NEW: Added sticky sidebars, which can be set sitewide, or page wide for one or both sidebars
- NEW: Added option for background images in megamenu, one image for full menu, or individual image per menu column
- NEW: Added menu highlight labels to main menu with several style options
- NEW: Google fonts added to dynamic CSS for performance enhancement due to fonts no longer showing up as render blocking files in speed tests
- NEW: Avada's advanced responsive images setup added to person and WooCommerce featured product element and WooCommerce Product Carousel
- NEW: Avada's advanced responsive images setup extended to content inside of column elements producing performance enhancements
- NEW: Added a new menu location for mobile menus so you can now assign a specific menu just for mobile
- NEW: WooCommerce 3.1 support
- NEW: Updated Layer Slider Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: Updated Slider Revolution Plugin To Latest Version As of Release Date
- NEW: New WordPress media library now supported in Fusion Page Options
- NEW: New Featured Image setup that is code optimized, updated and fully maintained by us
- NEW: Added a complete set of portfolio global theme options for the portfolio element
- NEW: Post meta data can now be aligned directly below post title on single blog posts
- NEW: Posts in blog, recent posts and in portfolio element can now be pulled by tags
- NEW: Portfolio posts can now be sorted by tags in portfolio element
- NEW: Added option to select twitter icon color in twitter widget
- NEW: Added set of global Theme Options for each Alert element style
- NEW: Added option to align video elements left/center/right
- NEW: Added new setting to button element to add additional attributes like rel
- NEW: Added option for page title bar line height
- NEW: Added an option so toggles can also be used as accordions
- NEW: Added slider IDs to Fusion Page Option dropdowns
- NEW: System path added to system status page
- NEW: Support for Apple Pay on WooCommerce pages
- NEW: Column spacing is now officially supported for portfolio carousel layout
- NEW: Added support for 'transparent' as color in Theme Options
- IMPROVED: Now using smaller fitting srcset thumbnails in image frame element when possible
- IMPROVED: Replaced protocol relative asset URLs with absolute ones
- IMPROVED: Changed data structure of menu item options to improve menu saving performance
- IMPROVED: Added support for imports and caching on file systems usinf ftpext mode
- IMPROVED: Fusion Page Option ordering is the same now for different post types
- IMPROVED: Added several new HTML5 tags to the page markup
- IMPROVED: Added a new responsive image size to make sure images can stretch fully on large screens
- IMPROVED: Removed the ajax-functions.php
- IMPROVED: Added support for Yoast sitemap images
- IMPROVED: Grid elements in one column responsive mode now have the images centered
- IMPROVED: Font uploads in Theme Options will work on more environments due to updated MIME types
- IMPROVED: Added structured data to blog archives if blog meta data is deactivated
- IMPROVED: Made WooCommerce sorting boxes compatible with larger font size setups
- IMPROVED: Theme option value validation to avoid JS errors in Fusion Page Options
- IMPROVED: Fusion Slider transition after video slide ended
- IMPROVED: Events Calendar archive bar spacing for foreign languages
- IMPROVED: Disabled dynamic CSS caching automatically when using mobile theme plugins like WP Touch
- IMPROVED: WCAG: Dropdown menus now work using tabs
- IMPROVED: Added more spacing for titles in vertical tabs
- IMPROVED: Added automatic spacing between content and sidebars in responsive mode
- IMPROVED: Added timestamps for cached CSS and JS files for better compatibility with caching plugins
- IMPROVED: Added parent category to breadcrumbs path, when multiple sub categories share same parent
- IMPROVED: Added conditional loading for some admin meta boxes for performance improvements
- IMPROVED: Product registration is solid due to several changes while working with Envato
- IMPROVED: Don't load lightbox CSS when lightbox is disabled in Theme Options
- IMPROVED: Some RTL styling issues on Theme Options page
- IMPROVED: Breadcrumbs now support posts page output on post archives and search page parent post types are linked now
- IMPROVED: Admin messages and notices for demo imports etc. are not localized
- UPDATED: WordPress importer script
- UPDATED: Changelog link now directly available in the theme's update nag
- UPDATED: Several Theme Options, Page Options and also element descriptions for better explanations
- UPDATED: Removed no longer needed mobile bottom margin on #content container
- FIXED: Tooltips not disappearing after an outbound link was clicked on mobiles
- FIXED: Lightbox not working for portfolio elements added through AJAX
- FIXED: Importer not converting menu URLs correctly
- FIXED: Dynamic CSS being cached even if turned off
- FIXED: Blog grid and portfolio boxed layouts not always using same separator colors
- FIXED: PHP notice on update page
- FIXED: Load more button on portfolio elements staying, even after all posts were loaded
- FIXED: Dynamic CSS path issue on multisite installs
- FIXED: JS not working on iPhone/iPad when cookies are deactivated
- FIXED: Layout issue with WPML language switcher
- FIXED: Anchor scrolling not working on WPML sites when the language name is used as param
- FIXED: Longer page title breaking early to 2 lines in page title bar when no secondary content is used
- FIXED: WooCommerce text strings that changed
- FIXED: WooCommerce clean design add to cart animation layout
- FIXED: Rare WooCommerce archive layout issue, when using CSS file compiler
- FIXED: Dependency for avada-header.js is no longer conditional
- FIXED: WooCommerce PHP notice
- FIXED: Quantities not showing correctly on WooCommerce order page
- FIXED: WooCommerce checkout page doesn't advance now, when there are input errors on one of the tabs
- FIXED: WooCommerce one page checkout not scrolling fully up to display input errors
- FIXED: WooCommerce shipping methods sometimes overflowing container on checkout page
- FIXED: WooCommerce grouped product quantity input being displayed incorrectly on mobile
- FIXED: WooCommerce double zoom icon on variation change in Safari
- FIXED: WooCommerce carousel element scrolling issue on mobile
- FIXED: WooCommerce bundled products showing sub-products in the menu cart widget
- FIXED: Menu cart widget on side header not being auto positioned when widget hits bottom of viewport
- FIXED: Spacing issue in WooCommerce check out notes when using HTML markup
- FIXED: Removed additional PHP closing tag in social sharing box template.
- FIXED: PHP notice in column element when REST API is used
- FIXED: Header background images not working on WooCommerce archive pages
- FIXED: Sale and out of stock badges overlapping on WooCommerce Shop page
- FIXED: Search page sidebar sometimes being incorrect when doing product searches
- FIXED: Images overlapping content on tablets in single product image gallery
- FIXED: Content box hover animation being incorrect when parent or Theme Option setting is transparent
- FIXED: RTL styling issue with classic mobile menu
- FIXED: RTL alignment issue with font awesome element
- FIXED: Fusion Slider navigation position being not correctly positioned
- FIXED: Issue with video inside of a modal popup
- FIXED: Active plugin list sometimes having incorrect plugin names
- FIXED: Font names being duplicated in CSS when standard fonts are used
- FIXED: Content box heading class name being doubled
- FIXED: Link issue in flickr widget
- FIXED: Content box icon hover pulsate animation only working once in Firefox
- FIXED: Page title bar alignment in mobile mode not working in Firefox
- FIXED: Fusion Slider sometimes not auto playing videos when autoplay is enabled
- FIXED: Vertical timeline mode animation issue in content boxes
- FIXED: Side header menu padding issue on IE11
- FIXED: Column background image not always being correct in IE11
- FIXED: Vertical column centering not working in IE
- FIXED: Blockquotes in comments not respecting primary color for highlights
- FIXED: Sticky header on short pages being sometimes triggered
- FIXED: Rare sticky header scroll issue
- FIXED: Random export issue in Fusion Slider
- FIXED: Fusion Slider pausing on touch or swipe on mobile devices
- FIXED: Fusion Slider transition not working on youtube video slide
- FIXED: Fusion Slider parallax effect not working in IE11 when a touchscreen is used
- FIXED: Excerpt issue when using The Events Calendar tribe_event_inline shortcode
- FIXED: A few structured data issue with The Events Calendar
- FIXED: Rare error where Events Calendar pages rendered very slowly
- FIXED: Google maps using custom infobox content when set, even if default styling is chosen
- FIXED: Unfiltered the_title usage in breadcrumb class
- FIXED: Form scrolling on mobiles inside of modals
- FIXED: Backend compatibility conflict with some plugins that also use select2 library
- FIXED made sure dropdown menu disappears when an anchor link is clicked
- FIXED: possible W3C markup errors
- FIXED: Column bg image in empty columns not correctly shown when column uses cetntered content option
- FIXED: Flyout header menu entries height changing on AJAX complete events