Download BackupBuddy 9.1.12 from nulled fire. BackupBuddy backs up your entire WordPress site.
Enhancement: Major refactor of Stash Live to improve speed and reliability. It now uses Action Scheduler to drive the process from the backend instead of a JS trigger.
Enhancement: Old/Unused Actions are cleaned up after Stash Live runs and during daily Housekeeping.
Bug Fix: PHP 7.2 compatibility errors.
Bug Fix: PHP error when capturing a MySQLi error message.
Bug Fix: OneDrive failed to send large files.
New: iThemes BackupBuddy is now Solid Backups! Learn More: Welcome to SolidWP
Important: The minimum supported version is now PHP 7.2.
New: Solid Backups has an easy-to-use redesigned interface, while maintaining the existing layout and functionality.
Enhancement: Enhanced stability through significant upgrades, leveraging Action Scheduler in place of sole dependence on WP-Cron.
Tweak: The Diagnostics tab "Cron" now includes "Pending Actions," displaying upcoming Action Scheduler actions.
Tweak: ImportBuddy has been renamed the Standalone Importer.
Tweak: In case Stash Live appears to be stalled, a "Resume Process" link will now be visible, allowing you to confirm its ongoing operation.
Tweak: The Diagnostics tab "Logs/Other" is now labeled "Troubleshooting."
Removed: The malware scanning feature has been removed because it’s best handled at the server level by your host. Use Solid Security Pro to proactively protect your site and prevent malware from ever reaching it.
Removed: The following Remote Destinations have been removed (existing users of these destinations will experience no interruption in service): Rackspace, Google Drive v1, BackupBuddy Stash v2, Amazon S3 v2.
Bug Fix: Buttons clicked on the Stash Live page would re-fire if the page was refreshed.
Bug Fix: Fatal errors when using PHP 8.
Dev Note: Addition of Action Scheduler: Action Scheduler - Background Processing Job Queue for WordPress.
Dev Note: File Restoration safely deletes existing files before restoration instead of attempting to overwrite them.
Dev Note: File Restoration now deactivates and reactivates active plugins during restoration.
Bug Fix: Validate data types sent to Stash server