Download BackupBuddy 9.1.12 from nulled fire. BackupBuddy backs up your entire WordPress site.
Full backup types can no longer auto-exclude media due to current technical limitations.
Renamed temporarily created recurse() function to bb_recurse() to avoid conflict.
mysqlbuddy now logs if $ignore_existing is enabled for troubleshooting as this suppresses error logging.
Added additional logging of zip time elapsed to periodic status display to better see how much time has passed: Ex: "Temporary ZIP file size: 34.64 MB. Approximate speed: 12.24 MB/sec. Elapsed: 2.83 secs."
Extended archive limits of destinations supporting full and database archive limits to also include themes, plugins, media, and files.
ImportBuddy password hash now using underscores "_" instead of right parentheses ")" due to false positives with ModSecurity. Ticket #70795.