Download BackupBuddy 9.1.12 from nulled fire. BackupBuddy backs up your entire WordPress site.
importbuddy.php: Now detects unexpected leading whitespace (newlines, etc) at the beginning of importbuddy.php, removed them, and re-writes a valid importbuddy.php. Fixes error about whitespace already being sent and authentication breakage.
Added 60-second wiggle room for detecting stuck crons.
Fixed undefined index type in integrity scan.
Stash Live: Added additional information about low site activity being a potential cause of crons being behind.
Stash Live: Fixed Stash Live-specific file exclusions not applying since 8.0. Caused by core exclusion function not applying abspath before relative paths.
Stash Live: Added errors and warnings if adjusted max execution time falls below certain thresholds.
Stash Live: If adjusted max execution time falls below 5 seconds, including wiggle room buffer, adjust back up to 5 seconds to give things a chance. Throws error.
Stash Live: 5002 error now logs last send filename that failed and how long ago that was.
Transient housekeeping cleanup currently capped at 1000 per run as a temporary workaround for high memory usage on sites with massive numbers of transients.