Easy Digital Downloads - Wallet 1.1.7

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Download Easy Digital Downloads - Wallet 1.1.7 from nulled fire. Add a store credit system to Easy Digital Downloads
New: Store owners can now set a minimum custom deposit amount.
Fix: Emails for admin deposits/withdrawals might have referenced incorrect data.
Fix: It was possible to deposit a custom amount even if custom amounts were disabled.
Fix: Decimal amounts can now be deposited/withdrawn from the admin.
Dev: Updated for EDD 3.0 compatibility.
Dev: The minimum PHP version is now 5.6.
Dev: The minimum WordPress version is 4.9.
  • Improvement: Move email settings into Emails tab.
  • Improvement: Performance is significantly improved when items are in a user's cart.
  • Fix: Guests could make wallet deposits.
  • Fix: Wallet dates now use the site's timezone.
  • Fix: Conditionally load extension assets.
  • Fix: Some translatable strings were incorrect.
  • Fix: Customer tabs were rendered incorrectly in EDD 3.0.
  • Dev: Update licensing to use EDD's extension registry.
  • Dev: Refactor how the plugin is loaded and checks system requirements.
Improvement: Update "Deposit Page" description to mention shortcode that should be on the page.
Fix: Settings disappeared after EDD 2.10 update.
Fix: Unable to deposit to wallet via Stripe.
Fix: Checkout fails if there are more than two payment gateways selected.
Fix: Fatal error if attempting to activate when EDD isn't already installed.
Refactor: Update plugin author to "Sandhills Development, LLC".
Dev: Update PHPDocs.
Dev: Compatibility with EDD 3.0.