Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25.1 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Fixed a PHP error in Extra Theme which was caused by Background Settings helper class.
- Updated Image Position option to show for all image repeat options in Background Settings.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Button Background Settings to not render properly on front end.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with WP Offload Media where one of the plugin's methods was renamed causing a fatal error in our products.
- Exposed hasValue helper for third-party extensions.
- Fixed search module input placeholder hidden with field text alignment set to right.
- Fixed a bug which were causing Background Settings on Responsive mode to not display properly on some cases.
- PHP 7.4 or higher is now recommended for performance and security reasons. Divi Help & Support Center's System Status card has been updated to reflect this.
- Fixed Presets pop-up window overflow issue when items exceeded viewport height.
- Changed 'Improve Google Fonts Loading' option default to 'off'.
- Fixed issue where the google maps are not loading in the Map Module in the VB.
- Performance improved by preventing unnecessary re-renderings of some components.
- Fixed price showing for Woo related products when disabled.
- Fixed an issue where DONOTCACHEPAGE didn't work as intended with CDNs and several Caching Plugins.
- Introduced new hook, et_builder_global_modules_ignore_autop, to allow third-party modules to ignore autop on Global Module content processing.
- Optimized performance when Elements that are located inside the Post Content Module are hovered.
- Fixed conditions for when to show Enable Divi Builder button in WP admin bar.
- Fixed light font weight overriding strong tag in body text in the testimonial module.
- Fixed Divi Layout block styling issues when it is rendered inside WP Template or WP Template Parts.
- Fixing styling issue with the Woo Notice module.
- Fixed image overlay icon not perfectly centered.
- Fixed inverted Divi Placeholder text color when Twenty Twenty Two theme uses dark background.
- Fixed Layer View modal not dropping the dragged module.
- Fixed bug with module Drag&Drop when the page has custom Body Template.
- Fixed "unable to process your order" error when using Stripe payment gateway.
- Fixed a PHP error that occurred in some cases when exporting through Divi's portability system.
- Added Template Editor support on Divi and Extra themes.
- Fixed an issue with the Search widget where part of the "search" button text displays on a new line with some fonts.