Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Changed default filename for Layout Export as the Page Title.
- Fixed wrong options filter placement in expanded single panel content settings modal.
- Fixed builder crash with error "Cannot create property 'content' on string..." when dragging module or updating text module.
- Added an option on shop module's custom css option to change the display property of the star ratings like color, font-size etc.
- Fixed fatal error in the quick configuration wizard of Schema plugin.
- Fixed Quick Actions modal being launched unintentionally when typing in focusable element.
- Fixed builder crash when CSP is enabled by WP Simple Firewall plugin (Shield Security).
- Fixed Find & Replace not replacing Button BG And Column Background.
- Fixed video module not displaying proper video dimensions when border radius for the module is changed.
- Fixed Overlay option being visible when slider layout was selected in Gallery Module.
- Fixed HubSpot Single Checkboxes custom field get Converted to radio buttons in Email Optin Module.
- Fixed image/icon position in Blurb module for mobile devices.
- Fixed TinyMCE output content to produce consistent value before it's saved.
- Fixed shop module not respecting the pagination display option for mobile devices.
- Restored the missing "Use Background Color" option in some modules: Countdown Timer, Call To Action, Login, Email Optin, Testimonial.
- Fixed Contact Form field alignments on Front End.
- Fixed Header or Footer created from Theme Builder not working on Heroic Knowledge Base category pages.
- Fixed issue where setting toggle group fields was empty when switching to global preset mode.
- Resolved the issue where every menu's location added via the menu module was shown as primary even if it wasn't a primary menu.
- Fixed button transition issue when button hover properties on hover applied.
- Fixed an issue where the class names for the portfolio items were not the same for visual builder and on the frontend.
- Fixed an issue where left padding for a section was affecting the position of the divider.
- Fixed an issue with the Fullwidth menu module where background color wasn't displaying when the section had a parallax background.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, mouse wheel scroll did not work inside the icon select option.
- Fixed issue where one user with same email cannot subscribe to multiple MailPoet lists.
- Fixed dot navigation appearing on archive pages if the first post on archive has it enabled.
- Fixed JS Error e.state is null in 3rd party modules.
- Fixed issue where alt/title text from background image could overwrite the Module's image alt/title text.
- Fixed an issue in Builder controls where margin/padding values intended for Phone View could be saved to Tablet View if a user-specified default Phone View width was greater than the system default.
- Fixed an issue where the help video skip controls were not working.
- Fixed Title Text group in Woo Title module was not auto opening after clicking Quick Access of the title in Visual Builder.
- Fixed Quick Access was working only for the default heading level in Woo Title module.
- Added Quick Access functionality to Star rating in Shop Module.
- Fixed a case where Modules, Rows, and Sections taller than the browser viewport could fail to render controls on hover within the Visual Builder.
- Updated React version to 16.12.0.
- Fixed JS Error Cannot read property 'isInViewportUpdater' of null.
- Fixed builder crash on hover to section/row/module when builder setting animation is off.
- Fixed an issue where the method used to embed YouTube videos would cause a W3C validation error.
- Fixed clicking on recent reviews widget doesn't scroll to review tab built with Woo Tabs module.
- Restored and deprecated et_get_one_font_languages function.
- Fixed issue where select gradient color start and end buttons didn't work on background options of Button module.
- Fixed issue where options of Text options group didn't show up after user clicked on Quick Access launch icon.
- Fixed anchor link not working when the URL is loaded on Safari or Firefox browsers.