Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Fixed conflict "Use Current Page" option with "Product Category" view type in Shop Module.
- In order to increase the rating of page loading speed and to eliminate the warning from Lighthouse "Ensure text remains visible during webfont loading", the directive font-display has been added to css rules@font-face (for the Divi fonts and for Opens Sans fonts, which loading from googleapis.com).
- Fixed an issue that caused the color picker of 3rd party plugins to not be visible in some cases.
- Fixed background images from Smush CDN is not saved in the static resources.
- Fixed bug with using Fullwidth slider below theme builder global header with negative margin.
- Fixed accordion editable text on Visual Builder when Section/Row is locked.
- Introduces custom fields registration for 3rd party extensions and ability to disable context menu on these fields.
- Fixed bug with video height in slider.
- Improved UX for the Layers in Layers panel that doesn't have respective plugin activated.
- Fixed video module can't be played when overlay is being used and lazyload for iframe is enabled on Smush plugin.
- Disabled stripping the [embed] shortcode on the frontend, which was added via Custom Fields by Dynamic Content feature to the content area.
- Fixed bug with video positioning inside the slider.
- Fixed full width slider editable text when module or section is set to locked.
- Fixed gallery module background parallax issue on the Front-End.
- Fixed the appearance of php-warnings when using the Contact Form module that has a layout with the hover mode enabled for Fields Letter Spacing with the same 0px value for both.
- Fixed inner width styling option for Speciality Section when used in a Product Page.
- Fixed bug with play icon color when multiple sliders are added to the page.
- Fixed bug with module gradient background applied on top of a row which has a video background set.
- Fixed an issue that caused the looping animations to be removed from elements.
- Added title attribute to Theme Builder's vertical menu items.
- Added selective sync options on transforms settings.
- Updated Layers panel to not allow ESC key to close it.
- Avoid transforms on click mode when a module is selected but not when settings modal is open.
- Fixed The Event Calendar Event Community compatibility issue when TB overrides the layouts.
- Fixed bug with settings modal when visual builder is disabled.
- Fixed bug with dynamic categories when they are added to a post via Divi library.
- Fixed animations for sections that are located right after the fullscreen header.
- Added auto-function when rendering content in Woo Tab modules.
- Fixed bug with positioning in visual builder when vh unit is used.
- Fixed adding modules/rows to locked sections when interaction mode is set to "Click Mode".
- Fixed Email Optin subscription fail error.
- Changed row right/left draggable margin behaviour when right/left margin is set to auto.
- Changed module right/left draggable margin behaviour when right/left margin is empty.
- Fixed a bug in Layers panel to allow Multi-select to work properly.
- Fixed issue with un-clickable buttons in Full-Width Header in some cases.
- Fixed bug with Admin Label control icons.
- Fixed a styling issue when section/row was set to Locked and Interaction mode was set to "Click Mode".
- Fixed image inner shadow styling for Blog module.
- Fixed incorrect Contact Form module captcha input autocomplete attribute value.
- Fixed an issue with wpautop not getting properly applied in Code module in certain cases.
- Fixed a bug that prevented user from moving sections if Split Testing option was off in Divi Role Editor.
- Fixed failing intentional-error test because Divi loads another product's core.
- Fixed bug with reset field options in Contact Form module.
- Fixed bug with a search results page that has a custom post type posts with the visual builder enabled.
- Fixed bug with background-repeat when button background color on hover is set in Customizer.
- Fixed a bug which caused Add New button in Layers panel to not work in some cases In Wireframe mode.
- Updated Layers panel to allow adding Row/Module from empty Section/Column.
- Fix vertical offset to showing with position absolute or relative on mobile.
- Hid Insert Shortcode button from text module which added by Shortcodes Ultimate plugin in visual builder.
- Fixed a bug which were causing Open/Close All button in Layers panel to not collapse all Layers in some cases.
- Fixed a bug that were allowed to modify a locked Layer in some cases in Layers panel.
- Fixed an issue with range values being invalid CSS values with some locales.
- Fixed border-radius doesn't apply when parallax section overflow is set to visible.
- Fixed RankMath content analyzer issue on BFB.
- Fixed Language Switcher not being able to be loaded on a custom sidebar.
- Fixed color of Gallery Slider's arrows. Now they are inheriting their value from the Dark\Light Text Color which may be set in Page Settings.
- Fixed slug in the names of the CSS static cache files which are used on category pages.
- Fixed issue with the Woo Reviews module which showed unapproved reviews on the frontend.
- Fixed a bug which was causing Builder to show hover buttons while resizing the Layers panel.
- Added span wrapper to the comma between Job and Company into the Testimonial Module on the frontend.
- Fixed incorrect Label in Right click menu for Column Layer in Layers panel.
- Fixed a bug that caused default location and size calculation for Layers panel to not work properly.
- Fixed issue with Custom CSS editor not showing CSS errors properly.
- Fixed an issue where the Menu module dropdown line style was overwritten by the Theme Customizer color scheme.
- Added smooth scrolling effect triggered by anchor links and such on the front-end pages while using responsive content or "Minify And Combine Javascript Files" option is disabled.
- Fixed issue with scroll down button which did not work properly with hide navigation until scroll was enabled.
- Fixed the incorrect letter spacing in a title of Number Counter Divi Module in Safari browser (7.1+).
- Fixed admin bar missing when global header enabled with Divi Builder plugin.
- Disabled resize on the textareas from the Custom CSS at the advanced tab in a settings modal.
- Fixed incorrect align on small screens for Blog Module with Grid Layout.
- Fixed Quick Action modal opening when you typed something outside of Builder Area and used SHIFT + SPACE.
- Fixed the issue when border-radius was ignored when using the box-shadow into the Post Navigation Module.
- Removed any HTML tags from the name of options at the Contact Form Module on the Divi Builder.
- Fixed module status line double click not loading saved content and settings.
- Fixed incorrect import context message when importing fails.
- Added dismissible "Get Recommended Divi Hosting" Card in Divi Support Center to show if any system status item is in a warning state.
- Added slashes for post content at layout's import.
- Fixed page dots navigation to show the dots only for main sections.
- Fixed javascript error Uncaught ReferenceError: et_pb_first_row_padding_top is not defined when you are working with some settings in Theme Customizer > Header, like a changing header style option.