Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Fixed resetting an option while hover mode enabled not resetting desktop, tablet, and phone values.
- Fixed the issue when the Blog module was disappearing using the grid layout in Divi Builder.
- Fixed the issue when some content options excluded from the Global Defaults Editor that became default globally after invoking the Making Styles Default action.
- Fixed background settings and preview not working on Specialty Column.
- Added Support of Rows moving between Specialty and Regular sections.
- Fixed inability to copy and paste title text options group to heading text options group in Text module.
- Add BB icons support for Body Text with block elements.
- Fixed active tab text color not working on the FE.
- Fixed Classic Divi Builder loading after theme update and plugins activation/deactivation.
- Fixed fail saving notices that pops up on New Builder Experience if current user with contributor / no publish permission save the post.
- Fixed child's settings modal getting opened after pasting item styles.
- Fixed incorrect reset individual option behaviour on background control.
- Set custom default padding for Search module.
- Fixed missing captcha on contact form module in visual builder.
- Fixed field text color not working on radio & checkbox of Contact Form module.
- Fixed no-animation grid layout still being animated in the blog module.
- Fixed not being able to submit Contact Forms using conditional logic.
- Fixed trailing vertical bar separator showing up in the Visual Builder for Post Title and Fullwidth Post Title modules' meta area.
- Renamed "Post Link" Dynamic Content option to "Current Post Link".
- Added new Post Link, Product Link etc. Dynamic Content options for every public post type allowing you to link to any post of that type.
- Fixed an error that occurred while importing a premade layout.
- Added 'et_fb_ignore' CSS class that can be used to ignore JavaScript scripts in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed an error that would sometimes be triggered when editing a Text element in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when computed module settings were not fetched correctly for 3rd party modules.
- Fixed the issue where conditional options wasn't saved properly under the Advanced tab of a module settings.
- Fixed Modules styles copy/paste issue when empty values were not applied in some cases.
- Fixed Right Click Menu for Child Item Settings Modal.
- Moved Row Margin option above the Row Padding in Settings Modal.
- Fixed rendering the last Column in a Row with parallax background image.
- Fixed Column Dividers position for Rows with left and right Padding.
- Fixed "et_pb_parallax_init is not defined" error when loading Visual Builder in some cases.
- Fixed Animations not rendering sometimes on reload on Safari browser.
- Minor code performance update.
- Prevent contact form's required field being bypassed via editing frontend attribute by checking form map against integrity hash.
- Improve spam mitigation techniques for Divi's Contact Form module.