Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Divi Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. Elegant Themes Divi WordPress Theme Build up your library with your favorite layouts.
- Fixed incompatibility issue with some third party themes and plugins that caused the Visual Builder to fail to load with a "Cannot read property 'id' of undefined" error.
- Fixed a bug that caused the 3rd page in the blog module not to load in some situations.
- Fixed compatibility issue with the WP Ultimate Recipe plugin, and other plugins that create null shortcode objects.
- Fixed Divi navbar overlap in the Visual Builder when switching from Wireframe mode to Desktop mode.
- Fixed unwanted z-index issue after module is animated.
- Fixed a bug where Reset Advanced Styles action were not resetting Custom CSS fields.
- Fixed CSS for Login and Email Optin module layout in Specialty section.
- Fixed a bug where Blurb module circle icon became square if font size is big.
- Fixed Dynamic Content being disabled when module styles are reset.
- Fixed undraggable module items' drag and drop on settings modal in Firefox.
- Fixed visual builder's incorrect drag handle position when dragging section/row/module which has custom width.
- Fixed incorrect builder top margin when admin bar is disabled.
- Fixed unwanted changed row z-index positioning due to recent section-divider related fix.
- Removed unwanted margin on visual builder of post post-type in RTL layout.
- Fixed Select Menu position when the admin bar isn't present on the page.
- Fixed Go To Item list being updated after editing page.
- Added quick actions modal launch keyboard shortcut into help modal.
- Fixed go to action not scrolled to the right element when the page has been scrolled manually.
- Fixed Visual Builder loading with "crm.zoho.com" script on page.
- Fixed Integration Code sometimes being altered when including scripts.
- Fixed a case where 3rd party faulty code could prevent the Visual Builder from loading.
- Fixed Landing Page plugin compatibility.
- Added missing label for image field in Image module.
- Fixed Help Video popup position in some cases.
- Fixed a Visual Builder issue where undo-ing a recently added Module via shortcuts could lead to an error.
- Fixed an error that could sometimes show up in console when adding a Pricing Table Module.
- Fixed Visual Builder not loading when the menu included unclosed HTML tags.
- Fixed Visual Builder not loading when page included scripts using 'document.write'.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with DiviEstate theme.
- Prevent themes styles affecting builder wireframe mode.
- Fixed broken page list when Piklist plugin is activated and there is a page set as static page via 'Dashboard > Settings > Reading'.
- Fixed issues with unwanted empty "p" tags inside Inline editor in Firefox.
- Removed unwanted extra padding from TinyMCE's toolbar icons when using Classic Editor.
- Fixed a jQuery error that could occur on window resize when using a customized header.