Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Fixed Display Condition's Post Category and Category Page conditions to exclude "Product Tag" taxonomy from their list.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with 3rd Party module Divi Filterable Blog Module.
- Fixed WP Rocket compatibility affecting certain modules' animations.
- Fixed laggy issue in Visual builder.
- Fixed responsive and hover mode value not inheriting desktop mode value after value reset.
- Fixed hover background image transitions not working.
- Fixed an issue with Responsive Views where a left- or right-snapped Settings modal could cause an incomplete View Mode transition.
- Fixed Find & Replace doesn't work when finding and replacing default value.
- Fixed Find & Replace border style select component has no options.
- Fixed Find & Replace Button Module background settings don't get replaced.
- Fixed Find & Replace one heading style, it replaces other headings style too.
- Fixed Find & Replace Fullwidth Header module title doesn't work.
- Fixed Author, Post Type and Dynamic Posts display conditions so it would work with WooCommerce shop page.
- Fixed Sendinblue V3 api not fetching all the lists.
- Fixed a bug that could break the last published Post Header styles.
- Fixed Magnific Popup not working with gallery shortcode in child themes in certain cases.
- Fixed a bug with text alignment not working in the Blog module's grid layout.
- Fixed missing icon styles and missing popup styles on custom post types when Dynamic CSS was disabled.
- Fixed an incompatibility issue related to Defer jQuery optimization and some Mailchimp scripts.
- Fixed issue with gutter styles when 3rd party plugins inject Divi shortcodes.
- Fixed "Author", "Dynamic Posts", "Post Type" and "Search Results" Display Conditions so they would only run on related queries.
- Fixed issue that caused slowness or crashing of the visual builder on very large layouts.
- Added a new 'et_deferred_styles_rel' hook to allow changing the rel attribute for deferred styles.
- Fixed a bug with fold and flip animations that was introduced in Firefox 93 due to a change in how the perspective function works.
- Fixed cache not being removed when theme builder templates are being reset.
- Fixed issue with auto blogging plugins not rendering styles for theme builder layouts.
- Fixed "Author", "Dynamic Posts", "Post Type" and "Search Results" Display Conditions so they would only run on related queries.
- Fixed styles are not being applied on the FE after updating a layout/ global module.
- Fixed incorrect parent module attributes assigned on some 3rd-party modules.
- Fixed an issue with WooCommerce rating where the stars were duplicated in the comment form in Firefox.
- Fixed issue with Google Fonts performance improvement not utilizing its internal cache as intended and resulting in extra HTTP calls on each page load.
- Fixed Theme Builder styles missing in password protected pages.
- Fixed Fullwidth Slider Module's swipe to change slides on mobile not working.
- Fixed Social Media Follow Module's icons not showing up when used in a Post Slider Module when Dynamic Icons is enabled.
- Fixed incompatibility between Defer jQuery feature and some third party scripts.
- Fixed an issue where scrolling didn't work in Theme Builder Wireframe View when Smooth Scroll was enabled.