Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Added new text shadow options to all modules
- Fixed disappearing parent module setting when module item settings modal was opened and saved.
- Fixed over-sized images bug in image module in IE.
- Disabled gzip compression when output has been sent already, which fixed some errors that were preventing the builder from loading on some servers.
- Greatly reduce the size of the Visual Builder ajax payload by removing redundancies in field definitions.
- Added gzip compression to the Visual Builder and standard Divi Builder ajax payloads to avoid substitute max length errors.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Light / Dark text color option to be omitted from the new text options UI in the text module.
- Fixed roll animation not working properly on Safari when intensity is over 100%.
- Fixed the Color Picker reset button appearance.
- Removed responsive mode reset on modal snap.
- Fixed Incorrect gallery layout for some pages.
- Fixed incorrect 1/4 Column Margin in Tablet in visual builder as well as front end due to prepended div on row.
- Fixed nav menu font size.
- Fixed the issue with wrong escaping of Custom Fonts src attribute.
- Fixed Theme Customizer Mobile Heading & Body text size.
- Fixed portfolio initialization on view mode switch in visual builder fullwidth portfolio module.
- Fixes a compatibility with All in one SEO.
- Fixed zoom styles overriding popover.
- Fixed page jumps caused by contact form's conditional logic.
- Fixed comments count appearance in post title module.
- Fixed the lightbox on image modules in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed issue with the Visual Builder textarea not updating when switching to different module child in certain cases.
- Fixed Blog Module overlay not covering image.
- Fixed Image Module fullwidth issue.
- Fixed problem of stripping some text content that was similar to actual wp shortcodes.
- Fixed issue with IE where the image in the blurb module would be incorrect size.
- Added migration for fullwidth header font color options, removing redundant options.
- Fixed the issue when history state was not saved after making module global.
- Updated Slider module video position calculation method.
- Fixed disappearing svg image on image and blurb modules.
- Fixed animations sliders not re-rendering the animation when animation direction is set to center.
- Fixed the issue when default font cannot be selected if uploaded fonts exist.
- Fixed the issue when Social Media icon selector was not working correctly.
- Fixed the Undefined Index notice that occurred in some situations due to legacy font options.
- Fixed broken logic with the Divi Builder migration system that lead to irregularities after modules were migrated multiple times.
- Removed deprecated WooCommerce function that was causing warning notices.
- Fixed a bug that prevented legacy fonts from being enqueued after migrating to the new font options UI.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when the TinyMCE visual text editor was disabled via a user's profile that resulted in HTML entities being saved into shortcode attributes by mistake.
- Added improved font options interface to the Divi Builder.
- Added font search and recently used fonts list to the font selection menu.
- Added 600 new fonts to the Divi Builder and Divi Theme Customizer.
- Added new dynamic font weight options for all 800 Divi fonts, ranging from Ultra Thin to Ultra Bold.
- Added new font styling choices including strike-through, small caps and underline options.
- Added individual heading level styling options to the text module, allowing custom fonts, colors and sizes to be applied to H1-H6 headings.
- Added new heading level settings to all modules allowing custom heading levels to be applied to all module titles.
- Added custom font uploading and management to the Divi Builder font options interface.
- Added new styling options for anchor links in the text module.
- Added new styling options for blockquotes in the text module.
- Added new styling options for unordered lists in the text module.
- Added new styling options for ordered lists in the text module.
- Improved options wording for all module title options.
- Fixed the fullwidth menu module on mobile devices.
- Fixed clearings for portfolio and gallery pagination.
- Fixed an issue that caused post-based modules not to render properly after being duplicated.
- Fixed module popover getting slightly cut-off on empty slider module.
- Disabled the Image shadow for gallery module when the slider layout is enabled.
- Fixed `Cannot read property 'split' of undefined` error that occurs when adding accordion item in backend builder.
- Fixed portfolio modules ability to change layout in visual builder.
- Fixed fullwidth header module header image container width in IE.
- Fixed Image Module - applied image wrapper to apply shadow on image outline.
- Added fields box shadow control to Email Optin & Login modules.