Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25.1

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25.1 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Fixed conditionally hidden fields being shown in message pattern.
- Fixed a bug in the Visual Builder where the selective sync status icon for global modules' settings was not updated properly when the status changed.
- Ensure that all post-based modules display the "No Results" template when there are no posts to be displayed.
- Improve clearing backend builder template cache.
- Updated epanel shortcodes CSS image path.
- Enable RTL when Disable Translations is enabled.
- Added new interface settings window to the Visual Builder.
- Added new Click Mode interaction mode for the Visual Builder.
- Added new Grid Mode interaction mode for the Visual Builder.
- Improved hover button overlap and accessibility issues in the Visual Builder.
- Added the option to completely hide disabled modules in the Visual Builder.
- Added the option to open all option groups by default in the Visual Builder.
- Added the ability to customize the items in the Visual Builder toolbar.
- Added the option to disable Divi Builder interface animations in the Visual Builder.
- Improved Visual Builder rendering performance.
- Fixed an error that occurred on some PHP 7.1.8 installations when used with non-standard linux configurations that lacked glob_brace support.
- Fixed a bug that prevented success messages from appearing in the contact form module if animations were applied to the module.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect amount of items to display in the filterable portfolio module in some cases.
- Fixed background color inconsistencies on slider and fullwidth slider module.
- Fixed Javascript type error after clearing layout in zoom out mode.
- Fixed audio module responsive settings for title font size not being applied.
- Fixed error when google maps script was missing.
- Removed Grid-specific "Show Pagination" from Gallery module settings.
- Fixed incorrect slide item background-related styling property due to CSS specificity.
- Fixed font settings not being applied to radio and checkboxes fields title in the contact form module.
- Fixed slider image alignment on mobile.
- Fixed PHP error "trying to get property of non-object" when adding blog module in the VB.
- Fixed PHP error "Undefined Index" Occurred on Migration File Caused by Migrated Global Module.
- Fixed Blurb's missing "Design > Sizing > Content Width" field on BB.
- Fixed Blurb module icon size.
- Fixed Page Settings CSS, No Effect When Removing Custom CSS.
- Fixed Aweber error: "Missing required argument: ".
- Fixed error in GetResponse wrapper.
- Fixed display issue with name field for providers that support only one name field.
- Updated Visual Builder to automatically closed settings modal when module is dragged.
- Fixed issue where the submit and cancel buttons were not shown when attempting to add an account for providers which don't have any other fields besides the account name.
- Fixed animation visibility issues on Safari.
- Visual Builder, Accordion, Fixed unwanted jumping effect when accordion has one item and being hovered in VB.
- Fixed reset background-color which causes background blend outputting unexpected output on section when gradient, image, and some blend mode is used.
- Fixed inconsistent history with global layout.
- Fixed error occurring in Constant Contact API call regarding the list id.
- Visual Builder, Accordion, make sure that first accordion item is opened if no accordion item is opened.
- Fixed builder toggle button error.
- Improved the clear cache functionality to prevent errors due to changes in 3rd party provider's code.
- Add plugin compatibility class for Yoast SEO to enable support for Image Module images to appear in sitemaps.
- Fixed incorrect true parallax image background of first module when minified js and transparent nav are used.
- Added minified JS and minified CSS to body class name and global JS variable.
- Fixed a JavaScript error when there is no WooCommerce Gallery.
- Fixed a typo in the Email Opt-in Module's HTML that caused the last name field to not be sent to provider apis.
- Fixed error occurring when mailpoet wrapper classes used more than once.
- Fix issue where the submit and cancel buttons were not shown when attempting to add an account for providers which don't have any other fields besides the account name.
- Removed a stray ampersand from stylesheet.
- Fixed filterable portfolio not working properly when pagination is disabled.
- Fixed error when accessing settings while the tooltip is still opened.
- Added animation class name during `componentWillReceiveProps()` to avoid incorrect props used to build animation class name during undo.
- Fixed the typo in Sortable function which lead to broken UI after moving sections sometimes.
- Fixed disappearing blog posts when blog - fullwidth style is pasted to blog - grid style module.
- Fixed the error when moving modules outside of Global parents.
- Fixed the issue when waypoint modules were not loaded in Blog on 2+ pages.
- Fixed bug in the Email Opt-in module that made it impossible to exclude the name field.