- Fixed issue with "Use Theme Styles" option in GB editor Preference settings not disabling styles in editor.
- Fixed scroll to section anchor position when css positioning is fixed for multiple sections.
- Addressed Defer jQuery optimization breaking some Plugins and online services.
- Fixed broken icon font when et-pb-icon class was used in custom HTML post content.
- Fixed some cases where the wrong Gutter styles would be applied.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Custom Page CSS to have higher priority than Builder CSS.
- Fixed broken gutter widths on pages that had invalid gutter width values of "0" stored in the shortcode.
- Fixed Search, Calendar, and Tag Cloud block based widget style issues.
- Addressed incompatibility issue with OptimizePress plugin and jQuery optimizations.
- Fixed a PHP warning that may occur in some cases where Global Presets is an array instead of an object.
- Fixed a PHP notice that may occur when exporting layouts.