Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Fixed an error that would sometimes be triggered when editing a Text element in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed the issue when computed module settings were not fetched correctly for 3rd party modules.
- Fixed the issue where conditional options wasn't saved properly under the Advanced tab of a module settings.
- Fixed Modules styles copy/paste issue when empty values were not applied in some cases.
- Fixed Right Click Menu for Child Item Settings Modal.
- Moved Row Margin option above the Row Padding in Settings Modal.
- Fixed rendering the last Column in a Row with parallax background image.
- Fixed Column Dividers position for Rows with left and right Padding.
- Fixed "et_pb_parallax_init is not defined" error when loading Visual Builder in some cases.
- Fixed Animations not rendering sometimes on reload on Safari browser.
- Minor code performance update.
- Prevent contact form's required field being bypassed via editing frontend attribute by checking form map against integrity hash.
- Improve spam mitigation techniques for Divi's Contact Form module.
- Fixed Syntax error, unrecognized expression: issue when adding mailchimp custom field on email optin module in backend visual builder if the mailchimp account uses email address as its username.
- Fixed an error that would prevent some Text element from being edited in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed exclude category option not showing initially in the Search Module.
- Fixed issue with resetting gradient removing default value for the gradient on settings modal.
- Fixed "Cannot read property 'tagName' of undefined" error that appeared if there is an active plugin which enqueued the latest version of jQuery.
- Fixed Builder crash when moving duplicated modules in some cases.
- Fixed error when extending border styles and removed unsupported find & replace from border styles option.
- Fixed image width setting getting applied to the icon in Blurb module.
- Hid row and section settings popover during draggle sizing.
- Fixed an error that could be triggered in the Divi Builder while updating or importing Global Defaults in some cases.
- Fixed Dynamic Content having extra slashes in the Visual Builder.
- Fixed inability to copy and paste background options group into other modules.
- Fixed the issue where slides of the Gallery Module wasn't rotated properly.
- Introduced play icon color and size settings on video slider item module.
- Fixed the issue where it was impossible to access to the Global Defaults editor from the module context menu.
- Fixed a bug that could, under certain conditions, result in duplicate images being added to the media library when importing an exported Divi layout multiple times