Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Prevented possibility to edit draggable sizing of modules inside locked section.
- Fixed Map and FullWidth Map height.
- Fixed ability to use valid CSS string values, like auto, inherit, etc. as the value for Custom Margin field.
- Prevent transition animation on VB when the mouse leaves any module.
- Added several PHP Optimizations.
- Fixed draggable spacing indicator hiding too early.
- Fixed issue where units were defaulting to the wrong value in some cases.
- Fixed legacy builder issue where Width / Max-Width values didn't have any unit set and will save as px instead of %.
- Fixed Blurb Image getting responsive width even when it is disabled.
- Fixed issue where section rows get full width even when the row width is not updated.
- Updated contact form field validation so that spaces and dashes are now allowed.
- Fixed draggable spacing controls size when window is resized.
- Added Z-Index and Overflow support for Accordion Items.
- Prevent adding Height values without unit.
- Adjusted Background Video MP4/WebM help text.
- Fixed hover styles were not being extended into other modules.
- Fixed fade animation with transforms on FE.
- Removed unused lang directory on builder repo.
- Improved Divi Error Reporting.
- Fixed the formatting of a Support Center plugin error message.
- Modified Support Center to recommend a minimum of 1000 (down from 3000) for PHP's max_input_vars setting.
- Improved the method used by the Support Center's Safe Mode toggle to verify that the "mu-plugins" directory exists.
- Improved error handling for Support Center's Remote Access activation.
- Fixed deprecated method usage in Blog Feed Masonry and Blog Feed Standard modules.
- Fixed issue where you couldn't hex color on background gradient color start and end.
- Fixed PHP warning on Library due to incorrect translation on closed anchor tag.
- Fixed missing sidebar ID for the default sidebars.
- Fixed animations on modules that had transforms options on hover.