Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25.1

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Download Elegant Themes Extra Wordpress Theme 4.25.1 from nulled fire. A Magazine WordPress Theme Powered By The Divi Builder ... Extra is fully responsive
- Fixed issue with rendering dynamic content in Global Modules in some cases.
- Fixed the issue where Button Text option can't be copied between Button modules.
- Fixed VB select control to only fire onChange event when necessary.
- Fixed output of inner box shadow in VB.
- Fixed Blurb module title link not being applied to the title.
- Fixed HTML being incorrectly filtered in Dynamic Content's Before and After settings.
- Fixed Autoptimize incompatibility with the Visual Builder, causing the rich text control to crash.
- Fixed JS error which breaks some modules in BB while checking for dynamic content.
- Fixed Bar Counter amount not changing on hover for small % amounts
- Fixed error occurring in Team Member module.
- Fixed circle counter not showing up in the front end when there was an animation set for it.
- Fixed the Divider height value being picked from Desktop height, when the tablet or/and phone values are set to the default 100px.
- Fixed Dynamic Content background image preview in Extend Styles.
- Fixed support for PHP 5.2 and 5.3 in Dynamic Content.
- Fixed responsive tabs for row column padding settings not showing up in BB.
- Fixed Social Media Follow module link text duplication when read through assistive technologies.
- Added i18n support for visual builder toggle buttons.
- Added Dynamic Content to the Divi Builder.
- Fixed Style Type, Position and Indent Option for Lists (OL/UL) in Text module for Post.
- Removed certain instances of hover icon that should not be present.
- Fixed a bug where Shop modules failed to display products sorted by price or date (ascending).
- Prevent adding max-width: 100% to modules when the sizing is not changed.
- Fixed incorrect history state for bulk editing hover options.
- Fixed alignment issue in Firefox for the first field in Email Optin module.
- Fixed the bug where Play Icon color option in VIdeo module were not working only in Visual Builder for a Post.
- Fixed Custom CSS removing CSS when hover is enabled.
- Fixed testimonial portrait margin on 1/5 and 1/6 columns.
- Fixed CSS for Grid columns For Smartphone.
- Fixed specialty column styles for 1/6 columns inside a 1/2 column.
- Fixed the issue where Favicon from old Theme Option setting were printed on page, even if Site Icon has been uploaded from WordPress Customizer.
- Fixed post_max_size megabytes conversion.
- Fixed a issue where Your Save Has Failed Modal Hides Wordfence's Blocked Request Notification.