Elementor Pro 3.21.2

Download Elementor Pro 3.21.2 from nulled fire. Elementor Pro is the most advanced page builder for WordPress
* Fix! - Condition slide style that got effected by previous update
* New! - Added integration with MailPoet 3 for Forms actions
* Fix! - Removed height control from Testimonial carousel in mobile editing mode
* Fix! - Removed bottom padding when there's no pagination in Testimonial carousel
* Fix! - Added condition for slides style section in skin bubble mode
* Fix! - Slides per view control for mobile editing in Testimonial carousel
* Fix! - Navigation Arrows icons matched with common Elementor Navigation Arrows
* Fix! - Slides per view for slideshow carousel
* Fix! - Final polish for the new Testimonial Carousel widget
* Fix! - Don't play video if slide type is not video
* Fix! - Removed slides style section condition ([#2497](ggithub.com))
* Fix! - Set cursor as pointer for slideshow thumbnails