Elementor Pro 3.21.2

Download Elementor Pro 3.21.2 from nulled fire. Elementor Pro is the most advanced page builder for WordPress
* Fix: Layout issue compatibility with themes caused by v2.1
* Fix: Dynamic setting in Pricing Table widget
* Fix: Hide Target URL control if is not necessary in Blockquote widget
* Fix: Selector specificity for WooCommerce Products widget
* Fix: WooCommerce conflicts in the editor in edge cases
* Fix: Thumbnails in the Posts widget jumping
* Fix: Responsive grid in the Share Buttons widget
* Fix: Added missing `setup_postdata` for Product Data Tabs widget
* Fix: Rollback to older version of Flip Box widget to resolve 3D depth issue
* Fix: Allowed types in the Upload File field are now case-insensitive
* Fix: Carousel behavior when using a single slide
* Fix: Error when ACF Pro is not installed
* Fix: Edge cases in Inspector where document is a boolean
* Fix: Edge cases for incorrect file fields in PODS