Download FacetWP 4.3 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
  • Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
  • Improved $params['place_details'] is now available when indexing ACF Google Map fields
  • Improved A11y - support Hierarchy fields
  • Improved Slider facet - the "Compare type" UI setting is now always available
  • Fixed Autocomplete facet - timing issues with some CSS-based templates
  • Fixed Gutenberg (10.5.0) - ignore the wp_template post type
Important: 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Improved: more tooltip info for the slider facet's "Format" setting
Fixed: fully reset the indexer when purging the index table
Fixed: Dropdown - restore support for jQuery-based enhancement libs (select2, chosen, etc)
Fixed: PHP notice caused by the "load_jquery" setting
Fixed: updated vue-select.js to resolve scrolling issues
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
Improved fUtil.js - enable event bubbling by default
Improved fComplete.js - automatically close after selection
Improved API - fetch method accepts "application/json" (docs updated)
Improved use jQuery if available for document.ready, sort, and per-page boxes (back compat)
Improved cache FWP_Helper->get_term_depths()
Improved fSelect.js - trigger native JS "change" event
Fixed fSelect.js - preserve existing class names
Fixed fSelect.js - restore "fs-open" class when open
Fixed restored "Go" button for autocomplete facets
Fixed JS error for "user selections" when no results
Fixed JS error within accessibility.js
Updated package.json