Download FacetWP 4.3 from nulled fire. Use FacetWP to add faceted search to your eCommerce sites, resource libraries, search pages.
Important 3.8 is a MAJOR REWRITE. Please test first on a staging site!
New removed jQuery dependency from FacetWP core
New fUtil helper JS library (JS abstractions)
New fDate date picker JS library
New fTip tooltip JS library
New fComplete autocomplete JS library
New added “settings” to Debug Mode for faster debugging
Improved modernized and refactored front-end JS code
Improved removed jQuery libraries (query-autocomplete, jquery-powertip, etc)
Improved complete rewrite of fSelect JS library
Improved raw data is now sent on AJAX requests (less payload)
Improved update checks are now made via HTTPS
Improved removed upgrade routines > 3 years old
Improved fSelect - simplified accents/diacritics removal code
Improved add proximity “locate me” to keyboard nav
Fixed date picker issue with soft refresh
Fixed fSelect remained open unnecessarily in some cases
Fixed SearchWP - get_search_query() wasn't showing the keywords in some cases
Fixed tweaked logic for detecting the currently active facet
Fixed: date picker - date selection was 1 day off (for certain timezones)
Fixed: fSelect - keyboard issue when making an initial selection