Download Gravity Flow 2.9.6 from nulled fire. Build Workflow Applications with Gravity Forms.
- Fixed an error where conditional routing settings cannot be saved on the notification step.
- API: Fixed support for gravityflow_editable_fields_user_input filter to perform after gravityflow_editable_fields filter.
- API: Added support for gravityflow_editable_fields_[step_type] filter which any step type that supports editable fields will perform.
- API: Added filter gravityflow_step_notification_assignees to allow customization of notification assignees with syntax matching the gravityflow_step_assignees filte
- All step types can now define 'use Editable_Fields;' as part of their step class to have the editable fields step setting / functionality added to the step.
- Updated Approval step type to include editable fields setting.
- Updated User Input step type to include editable fields setting.
- Updated step settings screens to reduce page reloads required to create/update a step.
- Fixed an issue that causes Nested Form fields on a User Input Workflow Step to produce a fatal error on submission.
- Fixed an issue with outgoing webhook steps displaying an error if a GET request includes no request field values.
- Fixed an issue with inbox settings flyout where the component's icon is missing.
- Fixed an issue with editable fields which causes the setting to use the wrong UI.