Gravity Forms Chained Selects Add-On 1.7

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Download Gravity Forms Chained Selects Add-On 1.7 from nulled fire. Gravity Forms Chained Selects Add-On adds the powerful Chained Selects field type

Download Gravity Forms Chained Selects Add-On 1.7 from nulled fire

Gravity Forms Chained Selects Add-On adds the powerful Chained Selects field type
Seamless Integration
Easily add a Chained Select cascading field to your form with the new Chained Select field.

Manage Choices Via CSV
Upload a CSV file to import the choices available in the cascading drop-down.

Conditional Logic
Configure Conditional Logic to show and hide fields based on selections made using the Chained Select field.

Don't want to manage choices via CSV? Power the cascading choices dynamically via hooks/filters.

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Gravity Forms Chained Selects Add-On

(40.3 KB / .zip) File Size
Apanha Apanha Published By