Gravity Forms Help Scout Addon 2.3.0

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Download Gravity Forms Help Scout Addon 2.3.0 from nulled fire. Support your customers and integrate Gravity Forms with Help Scout
- Added the [gform_helpscout_display_enable_custom_app_setting]( filter.
- Added support for async (background) feed processing to improve form submission performance.
- Fixed a PHP 8.2 deprecation notice that occurs when selecting "I want to use a custom Help Scout app" on the plugin settings page.
- Fixed an issue where the Merge Tags button is not available on the feed settings page for text area fields.
- Fixed an issue that causes a notice to display when creating a new feed on sites running PHP 8.1.
- Fixed an issue where the Help Scout primary account email address is used as the reply-to email address even if the form submission data has a different email address.
- Added support for async (background) feed processing to improve form submission performance.
- Fixed an issue where the Help Scout primary account email address was used as the reply-to email address even if the form submission data has a different email address.
- Fixed an issue where connecting to Help Scout fails after the user is redirected back from Help Scout.
- Fixed an issue where conversation creation can fail if the customer first name is empty.