Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0

Download Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0 from nulled fire. With the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On you can capture one time credit card payments.
- Updated the Stripe card field scripts to use the credit card field input ID as the selector when mounting Stripe Elements.
- Added error messages to the Stripe Card field when no Stripe feed activated or Stripe Checkout is enabled.
- Added accessibility enhancements to the Stripe Card Element so the screen readers can announce validation errors.
- Added the *[gform_stripe_payment_intent_pre_create](* filter to allow modifying the payment data before creating a new payment intent.
- Fixed the Stripe Checkout redirection issue for AJAX embedded forms.
- Fixed the card type input of the Stripe Card field saving the brand slug returned by Stripe.js instead of the full brand name.
- Fixed an issue where the credit card info is not updated after the customer replaces card details in multi-page forms.
- Fixed an issue where the Stripe feed list would display a misleading configuration message in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue with Stripe Elements where some amounts can lose precision when converted to the smallest unit of the currency.
- Fixed PHP 7.4 notices on the settings and feed configuration pages
- Fixed the Stripe Checkout redirection issue for AJAX embedded forms.