Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0

Download Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0 from nulled fire. With the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On you can capture one time credit card payments.
- Added security enhancements.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error which can occur if the customer specified by the gform_stripe_customer_id filter can't be retrieved.
- Fixed an issue where the Checkout session could fail to be created when the gform_stripe_customer_id filter returns a valid id and the customer email is supplied by the feed field mapping.
- Fixed an issue where PHP fatal error is thrown when Stripe account is deleting test data.
- Added license key to authorization url.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error which can occur if the customer specified by the gform_stripe_customer_id filter can't be retrieved.
- Fixed an issue where the Checkout session could fail to be created when the gform_stripe_customer_id filter returns a valid id and the customer email is supplied by the feed field mapping.
- Added security enhancements.