Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0

Download Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0 from nulled fire. With the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On you can capture one time credit card payments.
- Added compatibility with the upcoming Compact View feature of Gravity Forms, displaying field messages on the sidebar.
- Updated the theme framework variables to be compatible with Gravity Forms 2.8.
- Fixed an issue with the Stripe Card field that displays a "return_url must be specified" error message in certain situations.
- Fixed an issue that causes 3DS transactions to fail if the associated feed is for Subscriptions.
- Fixed an issue that halts form submissions on certain situations if 3DS validation is required.
- Fixed an issue where using the Payment Element in conjunction with conditional logic can result in incomplete entry data.
- Fixed an issue where a "The link you followed has expired" error occurs on submission when the "Require user to be logged in" form setting is enabled.