Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0

Download Gravity Forms Stripe Addon 5.6.0 from nulled fire. With the Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On you can capture one time credit card payments.
- Fixed an issue with the Stripe Card field that displays a "return_url must be specified" error messages on certain situations.
- Added the [gform_stripe_payment_element_initial_payment_information]( filter to override the initial payment information used to render the payment element.
- Fixed an issue where a payment method can't be attached to a customer when the Payment Element is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the gform_stripe_elements_style filter is not being correctly applied.
- Fixed an issue that prevents the gform_stripe_webhook filter from being fired in some cases.
- Fixed an issue where using a list field with columns enabled on a form with the Stripe Payment Element can cause a fatal error.
- Fixed an issue where list field values are not saved to the entry when the Payment Element is enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the Payment Element doesn't work on ajax-enabled forms.
- Fixed an issue where embedding forms with AJAX option has no effect.