Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on 3.1.3

Download Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on 3.1.3 from nulled fire. Marry your Gravity Forms functionality with visuals to match.
- Fixed 'Draw' style issues for Safari and IE
- Fixed an issue where Style Selector for 'Product: User defined price' did not show Field icon fold
- Fixed an issue where in some themes changing Radio or Checkbox option scrolls the page to the top
- Ethereal Material theme: Added support for complex labels above the field
- Improved styling for 'other' field in Radio Buttons
- Fixed JS issues with inherit theme, when used on very simple forms
- Fixed an issue where 'Full Width' field size was not working (Gravity Forms update required; min V2.4.18.13)
- 'Other' field in Radio buttons would fall to the next line in some styles