Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on 3.1.4

Download Gravity Forms Styles Pro Add-on 3.1.4 from nulled fire. Marry your Gravity Forms functionality with visuals to match.
- Fixed an issue where 'Full Width' field size was not working (Gravity Forms update required; min V2.4.18.13)
- 'Other' field in Radio buttons would fall to the next line in some styles
New Features:
- Advanced Radio/checkbox styles color option
- Main button (next/submit) styling options
- 11 new Frame Styles
- Stackable effects
- Image effects
- Black and white
- Fade
- Blur
- Style effects
- Ripple
- Drop shadow
- Hover border
- Remove padding
- Null border
- Remove border
- Thick border
- Stick overlay text to the edge
- Square tick box

- 8 New Footer Styling options
- Left Aligned
- Right Aligned
- Center
- Spread
- Full Footer
- Center and Left
- Center and Right
- Inline Form

- Improved compatibility with X Theme
- CSS select box improvements for IE 10/11
- Improved AJAX spinner margin
- Changing validation color setting also sets required field asterisk's color
- Fixed a possible warning in some sites about theme index not found
- Improved styling for inset icons
- Float labels: Fixed an issue where clicking on the label text did not make the labels float in Firefox
- Added class gf_footer_clean
- Fixed CSS conflicts in Date and Time fields with Avia builder
- New form classes to neutralize theme effects gf_noeffect, gf_noeffect_label