Gravity Forms Zoho CRM Addon 2.2.0

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Download Gravity Forms Zoho CRM Addon 2.2.0 from nulled fire. The Gravity Forms Zoho CRM Add-On allows you to quickly integrate Gravity Forms with Zoho's CRM.
- Added security enhancements.
- Added gform_zohocrm_post_create_lead, gform_zohocrm_post_create_contact and gform_zohocrm_post_create_task, to allow custom actions to be performed after creating a lead, contact or task.
- Updated Authenticate With options. After switching to OAuth Authentication, remove the other old options.
- Updated the feed configuration page to support mapping checkbox (boolean) type Zoho fields.
- Fixed an issue when a Zoho account used a non-English language, some module fields couldn't be updated with REST API.
- Fixed an issue when Contacts, Leads or Tasks module is missing, REST API couldn't work at all.
- Fixed an issue where Blueprints weren't triggered when adding Contacts/Leads in Workflow Mode with v2 API.
- Fixed an issue where fields (especially Last Name and Email fields) missing from the feed settings for non-English Zoho accounts users.
- Fixed an issue where values mapped to checkbox type Zoho fields would not be passed to the API.
- Fixed the "Field cannot be found at Zoho CRM" issue with v2 API.
- Fixed an issue when a Zoho account used a non-English language, some module fields couldn't be updated with REST API.
- Fixed an issue where fields (especially Last Name and Email fields) missing from the feed settings for non-English Zoho accounts users.
- Updated Authenticate With options. After switching to OAuth Authentication, remove the other old options.
- Updated the feed configuration page to support mapping checkbox (boolean) type Zoho fields.
- Fixed the "Field cannot be found at Zoho CRM" issue with v2 API.