- Fixed an issue where dynamically populated choices for choice-based fields cannot be used in conditional logic.
- Fixed an issue with the gf_list_inline ready class for radio and checkbox fields where the labels are wrapping.
- Fixed an issue that causes choice values that are numbers to remain unselected when attempting to use them in conditional logic.
- Fixed an issue with the total field that causes conditional logic based on its value to no longer work.
- Fixed an issue with the reCAPTCHA field not rendering when a form is injected by ajax.
- Fixed an issue with radio and checkbox fields for non-legacy forms where the field count and meta are missing styles.
- Fixed an issue that prevents legacy settings from displaying on the form notification settings page.
- Fixed an issue for forms not outputting HTML5 where the hour and minute input's layout breaks in the time field for browsers other than Firefox.
- Fixed display issues for the time field when using legacy markup where the field's inputs aren't always the same height and placeholder text is cut off.
- Fixed an issue where the default value field option does not work when the choice text is entered instead of the choice value.
- Fixed a typo in the message that displays when logging is enabled.
- Fixed issues where translations are not always offered or installed by WordPress and the WP-CLI.
- Fixed the form scheduling settings so that the correct start and end minutes show as selected.
- Fixed label layout issues when using left or right label alignment for a form.
- Fixed the display of the time field for forms in legacy mode.
- Fixed an issue when disabling logging via the link in the warning where the logging setting is not being unchecked.
- Fixed an issue with the form editor that makes dragging items below the bottom of the screen difficult.
- Fixed an issue where the layout of forms with left or right aligned labels is broken in the form editor.
- Fixed an issue where the total field is not calculated for all forms if a page has more than one form.
- Fixed an issue where the conditional logic choice based rules fail if the choice is renamed from the default.
- Updated the submit button on the edit entry detail page to have the primary button styles for better visual prompting.
- Updated the form editor to include the css for legacy ready classes on legacy enabled forms.
- Updated field labels to show the same error style as field legends when they fail validation.
- Updated the System Report to include the Translations section, listing the current site and user locales and installed translations.
- Updated several form settings text areas to accept valid HTML for users with the unfiltered_html capability.
- Updated the logging warning verbiage for clarity.
- Updated translations to respect user-specific locale.
- Updated various elements in the form editor to use stylized scrollbars that unify the ui experience across browsers.
- Updated more icon styles.
- Removed the notice for suppressed admin notices.
- AF: Fixed an issue that prevents settings from displaying on the form settings screen when add-ons have the $_multiple_feeds property set to false.
- AF: Fixed the timing for when feed settings are initialized so the process always occurs before admin scripts are enqueued, thereby preventing some JavaScript console errors from surfacing.
- API: Fixed the display of tooltips next to settings section titles.
- API: Fixed an issue where the merge tag drop down is not displayed next to the value field of the generic map feed settings field.
- API: Fixed an issue where the dynamic field map doesn't accept empty values when saving a feed.