Gravity Perks (Gravity Wiz) 2.3.7

Download Gravity Perks (Gravity Wiz) 2.3.7 from nulled fire. Gravity Perks is a WordPress plugin by Gravity Wiz.
Added additional helper styles for Gravity Forms 2.5 field settings.
Fixed issue where some perks relied on a script file that was loaded in footer.
Fixed issue where Perk minimum requirements would not be enforced in some situations.
Fixed issue where minimum requirement admin notices were not displayed in WordPress dashboard. Gravity Forms 2.5 no longer shows notices on their settings pages.
Fixed issue where double notices were displayed on plugin row.
Fixed issue where perks' init was not correctly halted when min requirements were not met in Gravity Forms 2.5.
Fixed issue where extraneous HTTP requests checking for announcements would be sent from the WordPress admin dashboard when used in conjunction with W3 Total Cache's Object Caching