* FIX: gallery dynamic tag if value is empty;
* FIX: export CCT items to CSV for available users;
* FIX: prevent js error on init captcha in popup if popup don't have form;
* FIX: calendar widget with nested listings;
* FIX: additional output validation in the Dynamic Field;
* FIX: ensure select, radio and checkboxes fields are processed correctly when registered programmatically;
* FIX: pin view if using global colors in the Map Listing;
* FIX: inline svg icon color in the Map Listing;
* FIX: prevent remove term metadata on quick edit term;
* UPD: compatibility with upcoming JetSmartFilters indexer update;
* UPD: better compatibility glossaries with filters;
* ADD: an ability to use Query Count dynamic tag in the Dynamic Visibility;
* ADD: Icon Size control for the Data Store Button widget;
* ADD: compatibility with SEOPress plugin.