* ADD: Bearer Token authorization type for REST API;
* ADD: an ability to query CCT by random order;
* ADD: an ability to change size of delimiter in the Dynamic Repeater;
* ADD: an ability to change size an icon marker in the Map Listing;
* UPD: Make Dynamic blocks compatible with new Query Loop feature;
* UPD: avoid PHP notices when accessing CCT REST API endpoints;
* FIX: prevent php error on Elementor Data Updater action;
* FIX: `Hide past events` in the Calendar;
* FIX: compatibility the Dynamic image widget with Hello theme;
* FIX: avoid Glossaries options glitch on delete;
* FIX: WC_Product_Query items per page;
* FIX: `Exclude children` tax query option in the Query builder;
* FIX: init forms block on document.ready to ensure WYSIWIG field worked correctly;
* FIX: avoid recursion in the Dynamic field.