Download Perfmatters 2.2.9 from nulled fire. This plugin adds an assortment of performance and speed improvements to your WordPress installation.
Added new MU Mode (BETA) feature in the Script Manager which can be used to disable plugins per page.
Reworked main Script Manager update function to dynamically save settings via AJAX to prevent having to reload the page every time options are saved.
Moved Script Manager javascript inline to better support further updates.
Fixed an issue in the Script Manager where a Current URL disable would not function correctly for an individual script if the plugin’s scripts were disabled globally on a different Current URL.
Changed hooks for Disable Google Maps and Disable Google Fonts toggles to prevent a conflict with the Block Editor (Gutenberg).
Added an exclusion attribute to our LazyLoad script to prevent it from conflicting with WP Rocket’s JS deferral feature.
Updated EDD Plugin Updater Class to version 1.7.1.
Updated various translation files.
Added new options in Extras → Tools to Import and Export Plugin Settings.
Updated Script Manager form input names to be more specific to prevent conflicts when saving Script Manager settings.
Added compatibility fix for Beaver Builder to the Script Manager dequeue function.
Updated French and German translation files.
Adjusted the Script Manager styles for better compatibility with other admin bar tools when the Script Manager UI is being displayed.
Fixed an issue in the Script Manager that was causing individual script settings to not work correctly when the parent group had previously been disabled.
Updated Russian (ru_RU) translation files.
Updated plugin description.