Extends the functionality of Profile Builder by allowing you to change visibility options for the extra fields.
If in the past you had to use the
Multiple Edit Profile Forms module to achieve this, the Field Visibility Add-on gives you the possibility to have a single Edit Profile Form that displays different fields depending on what user role the current user has.
Works with
Extra Fields Types created with
Profile Builder Hobbyist or
- Admin Only field is visible only for Administrators
- User Locked field is visible for both Administrators and users but only Administrators have the capability to edit it
- Select which user roles see that particular Extra Field Type
- Chose the Extra Field Type location visibility: All, Default WordPress Edit Profile (Back End), Registration Form or Edit Profile Form
For this add-on to work as expected you’ll also need to have installed:
- Profile Builder Hobbyist or Pro – version 2.0.8 or higher