Profile Builder Pro - WordPress Profile Plugin 3.10.8

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Download Profile Builder Pro - WordPress Profile Plugin 3.10.8 from nulled fire. Login, registration and edit profile shortcodes for the front-end.
* Elementor integration
* Fixed some urls encoding in certain cases
* Fixed a possible warning in advanced-settings.php
* Fixed displaying additional email field with Placeholder Labels
* PHP 8.0 Userlisting compatibilities
* Added support for WPML translation of Repeater fields
* Some minor security improvements
* Fix for Invalid argument supplied for foreach() warning triggered by empty field list.
* Added filter to allow switching the reCAPTCHA source from to
* We now trim meta names when searching for them in the queries
* Changed Email Confirmation field to type email
* Fixed a possible php warning
* Translate the Remove string for the Avatar and Upload fields.
* Added field visibility options for Map field
* Fixed the options that allow users with the 'delete_users' capability to view and edit the Admin Approval list and the list of users with Unconfirmed Emails.
* Add missing strings from the Edit Profile Approved by Admin add-on to the .pot file.
* Prevent displaying multiple single userlisting templates for the same user when there are multiple user-listings on the same page
* Fixed a js error that was preventing a form to submit