PublishPress Checklists Pro 2.17.0

Download PublishPress Checklists Pro 2.17.0 from nulled fire. PublishPress Checklists Pro add support for checklists in WordPress.
* Fixed: Checklist menu often missing on new installation, #524
* Fixed: HyperlinkValidator fails with URLs containing text fragments, #485
* Update: Block updates for posts with incomplete checklists, #303
* Fixed: Conflict with ACF custom field when creating new post, #506
* Fixed: Yoast SEO metabox error when creating new woocommerce product, #505
* Fixed: Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_REFERER" in checklists, #411
* Update: Only disable Status in quick edit for checklists enabled post types, #536
* Fixed: Featured Image Height and Width checks fail for Authors / Contributors, #486
* Fixed: "Featured Image Size" requirement fails if you do not have the "edit_other_posts" capability, #523
* Changed: Replaced Pimple library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins;
* Changed: Replaced Psr/Container library with a prefixed version of the library to avoid conflicts with other plugins;
* Changed: Change min PHP version to 7.2.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
* Changed: Change min WP version to 5.5. If not compatible, the plugin will not execute;
* Changed: Updated internal libraries to latest versions;