PublishPress Checklists Pro 2.17.0

Download PublishPress Checklists Pro 2.17.0 from nulled fire. PublishPress Checklists Pro add support for checklists in WordPress.
* Fixed: Image alt tag function not working in Classic Editor, #471
* Fixed: Gutenberg Editor error when using Taxonomy Categories, #407
* Fixed: Internal link checker not working in Classic Editor, #278
* Fixed: Rank Math meta field missing when checklists is enabled, #470
* Fixed: Support for Rank Math and Classic Editor, #293
* Update: Use wp_kses_post filter instead esc_html to enable allowed tags in metabox label, #478
* Fixed: Submit Lock Affecting Content Update with Yoast, #423
* Update: German translation, #262
* Update: PRO_Checklists_ES-FR-IT_TranslationUpdate_October2022, #415
* Update: TRANSLATION UPDATES French-Spansh-Italian, #406
* Fixed: Missing checklists settings menu in PHP 8.0 and Multisite, #387
* Fixed: Settings footer breaks for language other than English, #388
* Fixed: Missing translation for Min and Max, #389
* Added: Include new Free / Pro library, #377
* Fixed: Issue with Yoast SEO and post_content, #391
* Fixed: Clicking the Preview button will trigger the publishing pop-up, #378
* Fixed: Extra calls slowing down website, #385
* Fixed: Warning: Undefined array key "page", caused by "helper_settings_validate_and_save" function, #369
* Update: Most important buttons should be yellow only, #382
* Fixed: Issue with PHP 5.6, #386
* Added: Added capability "manage_checklists" to access Checklists screen, #173;
* Fixed: Fix tabs layout in the settings page, #317;
* Removed: Remove the icon from the admin heading;
* Fixed: Updated the Reviews library, fixing compatibility with our other plugins;
* Fixed: Add capability check before saving global checklists options (we already had a nonce check in place), #325;
* Fixed: Improved output escaping in the admin interface, #326;
* Fixed: Improved input sanitization, #324;
* Fixed: Fixed duplicated admin menu on PHP 8, #316;