Added: New bulk import add-on. More simple to use, has easy schedule, possible to import posts, coupons, woocommerce, price comparison Content Egg, categories and taxonomies and even users.
Added: New demo Rehub Fashion Demo – Minimalistic demo for Rehub theme and fashion sites
Added: New product layout, simple and clean, great as universal for any kind of sites Default full width 2 column – Rehub Fashion Demo
Added: Option to choose background color on product page. Can give you interesting effect if you have product image with the same flat color background. Demo Extended full width – Rehub Fashion Demo
Added: some refresh in UI for variable products
Added: Button font option. Now, you can set separate fonts for buttons and headings. Also, you can disable uppercase in buttons. If you want to change default font of theme, add it in Body fonts (this will affect all fonts)
Added: Improved Logo + menu in one row header layout (added option to add cart, search, Wishlist, etc)
Added: box shadow option in WOW animation framework
Update: removed some outdated fields (branded url in post fields and custom excerpt field)