Added:New demo Re:mag is new magazine style demo. Old Rehub demo was removed + new ready page and block for Elementor Homepage Rehub
Added:Autocontent shortcode with support for sidebars and custom blocks How to make auto contents for post
Added: Due to many buyer’s requests, Ajax search for posts also searching Stores now
Added:javascript optimisation for scroll and search functions
Added: New UI for Optimised for Reading layout, related articles, comment form. Optimised for Reading Post layout can have sidebar now and has progress bar. You can deactivate sidebar globally in theme option – global enable
Update: Elementor News Block was improved and it’s possible to have 3 columns
Update: UI for woo commerce columns and grid
Improvement:Sorting in GMW vendor results is set to newest vendors first
Deprecated:Two columned module is deprecated. Drop us email if you need it. Numbered Heading module is removed from Elementor
Changed: Deprecated vocabulary data was removed + Remarket demo was converted to Elementor
Fix:Elementor image loader fix