StudioPress Authority Pro 1.5.1

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Download StudioPress Authority Pro 1.5.1 from nulled fire. Authority Pro perfectly highlights your knowledge, years of experience, and acquired wisdom.
* Changed: Updated one-click-theme-setup to remove Genesis eNews Extended from plugin installation.
* Fixed: WPForms contact form creation during one-click-theme-setup. Requires WPForms Lite 1.7.6+.
Authority Pro 1.4.0 requires WordPress 5.4 or higher.

* Added: CSS styles for WordPress 5.4 Social Icons.
* Added: Editor styles to ensure theme colors work for inline text colors.
* Changed: Updated one-click theme setup content to include WordPress 5.4 button markup.
* Changed: Editor styles for WordPress 5.4 compatibility, including link color, buttons, headings, and lists.
* Fixed: Atomic Blocks post grid editor link colors.
* Authority Pro 1.3.0 requires Genesis 3.1 or higher.
* Added: HTML5 supports for `scripts` and `styles` available in WordPress 5.3.
* Added: Support for `genesis-lazy-load-images` available in Genesis 3.2.
* Added: Set post meta on theme activation.
* Added: WordPress 5.3 alignment classes.
* Added: Create a WPForms form during one-click theme setup and insert a WPForms block on the sample contact page.
* Changed: Block width CSS for nested blocks.
* Changed: Separator and hr styles to allow for block color options.
* Changed: CSS for image, gallery, and gallery item figcaptions.
* Changed: Use PHP short array syntax.
* Changed: Move theme supports to `config/theme-supports.php`.
* Changed: Replace `custom-logo` with `genesis-custom-logo`.
* Changed: Use padding instead of margin on lists.
* Changed: Include `Blog - Featured Image` size in media image size dropdown.
* Changed: Update homepage import content to use `Blog - Featured Image` size for posts.
* Changed: CSS for tables for better consistency between editor and front end and to allow for new WordPress 5.3 settings.
* Removed: `genesis_post_info` filter in favor of customizer.
* Removed: Support for `genesis-responsive-viewport` since it is included by default in Genesis 3.0+.
* Removed: Navigation extras filters since they are no longer necessary in Genesis 3.0+.
* Removed: Genesis settings page filters since they are no longer necessary in Genesis 3.0+.
* Removed: `genesis_theme_settings_defaults` filter since it is no longer necessary in Genesis 3.0+.
* Removed: Squared button styles in favor of new button block border-radius setting.
* Fixed: CSS styles for core Media block.