* Feature - Elementor Compatibility. Compatible with Elementor Free 3.21+ and Elementor Pro 3.20+.
* Feature - Added component Elementor widgets for the single event page.
* Feature - New widgets: Additional Fields and Related Events. Can be used outside of a single-event post by specifying an event ID or event query parameters.
* Feature - Modified widgets: Event Organizer and Venue widgets support linking to the PRO Organizer and Venue pages, respectively.
* Feature - All widgets utilize our PHP templating system, allowing customization of the widget templates.
* Fix - Resolved an integration bug with Elementor and the ability to save widgets on a Recurring Event page. [ECP-1660]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_additional_fields_widget_label_text`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_container_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_header_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_list_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_image_link_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_title_link_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_list_item_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_thumbnail_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_info_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_title_class`, `tec_events_pro_elementor_event_related_events_widget_datetime_class`,* Fix - Taxonomy selections not saving for widgets by checking for a variable and setting a default [68450]
* Tweak - Updated the template override instructions in a number of templates [68229]