The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0

Download The Events Calendar Pro 6.5.0 from nulled fire. Events Calendar PRO comes loaded with a selection of well designed views.
* Fix - In scenarios where the `wp_posts` table was larger than the base provisional ID (1000000), during activation of ECP the provisional ID could get rolled back to a lower value, causing conflicts with legitimate post IDs and provisional IDs. [ECP-1565]
* Fix - Fixes a `Return value of TEC\Events_Pro\Custom_Tables\V1\Traits\With_Event_RecurrenceTest::add_off_pattern_flag_to_rule() must be of the type array, string returned` fatal from a return type definition. This was occurring in edge cases, where recurrence data was likely invalid to begin with. [ECP-1566]
* Fix - Do not delete edited Series following deletion of last Event in it. [ECP-1560]
* Fix - After a 6.0 migration, some recurring events with date instances that were marked as `same-time` would show wrong times in classic editor. This edge case should be resolved now. The underlying data was correct but the interface support was no longer handling `same-time` dates. [ECP-1511]
* Fix - Modify output of additional fields for Event Automator to provide consistent output and prevent infinite growth of fields in Zapier. [EVA-103]
* Tweak - Removed 'Series' post type from the list of available post types under "Tickets > Settings" in Event Tickets. [ECP-1568]
* Version - Events Calendar PRO 6.2.0 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.2.0 and higher
* Feature - Add multi-venue support. [ECP-1540]
* Feature - Adding a new category taxonomy for Organizers and Venues.
* Feature - Include settings to hide the Event Organizer Email and Phone for the Organizer single page and Event single page. [ECP-1551]
* Feature - Enhanced featured image and meta layout for Organizer and Venue pages.
* Fix - Specifying post slugs for venues and organizers within shortcodes will now find posts as expected. [ECP-1540]
* Tweak - Added filters: `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_singular_label_without_linked_post`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_singular_label_without_linked_post`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_plural_label_without_linked_post`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_plural_label_without_linked_post`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_rewrite_slug_singular`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_rewrite_slug_singular`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_rewrite_slug_plural`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_rewrite_slug_plural`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_rewrite_slug_singular`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_rewrite_slug_singular`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_rewrite_slug_plural`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_rewrite_slug_plural`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_view_slug`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_view_slug`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_label_singular`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_label_singular`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_label_singular_lowercase`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_label_singular_lowercase`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_label_plural`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_label_plural`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_label_plural_lowercase`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_label_plural_lowercase`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_linked_post_type_repository`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_linked_post_type_repository`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_configuration`, `tec_events_pro_linked_post_taxonomy_{$slug}_labels`, `tec_events_pro_{$slug}_visibility_get_setting_options`, `tec_events_pro_{$slug}_visibility_get_setting_definition`, `tec_events_pro_{$slug}_visibility_is_visible`, `tec_events_pro_{$slug}_visibility_is_visible:{$area}`, `tec_events_pro_{$slug}_visibility_is_visible:{$area}:{$post}`* Tweak - Changed views: `pro/widgets/modules/single-event`, `v2/map`, `v2/map/event-cards/event-card/event/venue`, `v2/organizer/meta`, `v2/organizer/meta/content`, `v2/organizer/meta/details`, `v2/organizer/meta/details/email`, `v2/organizer/meta/details/phone`, `v2/photo`, `v2/summary`, `v2/venue/meta`, `v2/venue/meta/details`, `v2/week/mobile-events/day/event/venue`, `v2/widgets/widget-events-list/event/venue`
* Version - Events Calendar Pro 6.1.2 is only compatible with The Events Calendar 6.1.4 and higher.
* Version - The minimum supported version of WordPress is now 6.1.0
* Fix - In some scenarios our pagination and various view actions would fail due to 403 errors on the REST endpoints, because of failing nonce checks, likely due to cache. Updating the way we handle nonces to avoid some scenarios the wrong nonce could be cached. [TEC-4814]
* Fix - Ensure the block editor includes support for user-defined custom CSS classes. [TEC-4724]
* Fix - Optimize queries related to condensing recurring events when the `Condense events in Series` setting is enabled. [ECP-1517]
* Tweak - Correct passing null to `json_decode()` for PHP 8.1 compatibility. [ECP-1557]
* Tweak - Changed views: `blocks/additional-fields/checkbox`, `blocks/additional-fields/dropdown`, `blocks/additional-fields/radio`, `blocks/additional-fields/text`, `blocks/additional-fields/textarea`, `blocks/additional-fields/url`, `blocks/related-events`, `v2/map`, `v2/photo`, `v2/summary`, `v2/week`, `v2/widgets/widget-countdown`, `v2/widgets/widget-featured-venue`,* Feature - Added a new attribute to the `[tribe_events]` shortcode, `main-calendar` so that you can control whether the "All Events" link on a single event will return the main calendar page or to the page with the `[tribe_events]` shortcode [69192]
* Fix - Prevent unbalanced HTML tags from being output by the `[tribe_event_inline]` shortcode [77943]
* Fix - Resolved some problems with translations in tooltips on recurring events [67870]
* Fix - Prevent PHP errors when saving an event with the UTC + 9.5 time zone (thanks to Ross in the Help Desk for flagging this problem!) [101973]
* Fix - Prevent PHP errors when saving a recurring event with multiple recurrences in the same day [101973]
* Fix - Prevent 404 errors on recurrence feed pages (thanks to Ranjan and others in the Help Desk for reporting this problem!) [72077]
* Fix - Fixed the default value for the front-end recurring event instances toggle [36559]
* Fix - Make sure that hidden events are not displayed on the Mini Calendar Widget [65688]
* Fix - Added support for custom days on yearly recurrence rules (thanks to Ross for reporting this problem in our Help Desk) [101973],* Tweak - Added coordinates to the Google Map Link for Venues instead of the address to improve accuracy [61152]
* Tweak - Ensure maps honor the content around the `[tribe_events]` shortcode instead of rendering the map above all content (thanks to Francesco and others for flagging this problem!) [73412]
* Tweak - Improved default styles for the Venue Widget [39251]
* Tweak - Improved Week View user experience in small viewports [69856]
* Tweak - Added notice about required dependencies on network installations [68598]
* Tweak - Ensure event countdowns use the event's timezone [76618]
* Language - 0 new strings added, 123 updated, 0 fuzzied, and 0 obsoleted