Toolset CRED 1.8.7 Released: March 7, 2017
Improved form attribute in shortcodes, using the form slug instead of the ID.
Fixed an issue when deleting a featured image in forms.
Fixed an issue when deleting a file in forms.
Fixed a notice when using edit forms.
Fixed some minor security issues.
Fixed an issue with date and time Types field where the inputs was not being displayed on the front-end.
Toolset CRED 1.8.6
Released: February 22, 2017
- Refactored the mechanism for rendering post and user forms on the frontend.
- Improved the auto-complete feature in order to include more post types.
- Fixed an issue with Edit User Forms when a user ID was passed as an attribute in a CRED shortcode.
- Fixed a notice when using a child post link.
- Fixed an issue when deleting a featured image in post editing forms.
- Fixed an issue with the form preview, when redirection is set to a static page.
- Fixed an issue with the wpv-post-title shortcode inside the display message after form submission, that was rendering “auto draft” instead of the post title.
- Fixed an issue with field labels that were not associated with form fields properly.
- Fixed an issue with checkboxes field that were always checked after the submission of an editing form, when the save 0 to the database option was enabled.
- Fixed an issue with post name shortcode that was updating the post title but not the post slug, causing issues with the browser history.
- Fixed miscellaneous issues about notification and validation messages.
- Fixed few minor security issues.
- Fixed an issue with a featured image in post forms when the WPML plugin is active.
- Fixed a compatibility issue related to user forms and the Access plugin.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the Contact Form 7 plugin where the submit button was not working, if reCAPTCHA was enabled.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the AVADA 5.0+ theme, regarding the CodeMirror editor.
December 21, 2016
- Fixed issue with featured image AJAX upload
- Fixed security issue with user edit form in multisite