Ultimate Member Core Plugin 2.8.6

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Download Ultimate Member Core Plugin 2.8.6 from nulled fire. Ultimate Member is the #1 user profile & membership plugin for WordPress.
* Enhancements:

- Added: Link to the Ultimate Member docs
- Tweak: Ultimate Member > Settings redesign. More details about setting up. Tooltips changed to descriptions.

* Bugfixes:

- Fixed: Member directory queries to custom usermeta table properly escaped and validated
- Fixed: Member directory custom sorting when wp_usermeta table is used
- Fixed: aria-invalid attribute for the user description field
- Fixed: wp_kses protocols for email notifications content
- Fixed: PHP notice while registration form validation
- Fixed: Field validations (English letters, Alpha-numeric types)
- Fixed: Hidden buttons in the modal when uploading profile and cover photo
- Fixed: Theme updater log message
- Fixed: Search line shortcode layout
- Fixed: PHP notice while login form submission
- Fixed: Email notifications HTML layout
- Fixed: Default email notification body color
- Fixed: Ignore username slug when custom meta slug exists when parse user from query

* Templates required update:

- email/notification_deletion.php
- email/notification_new_user.php
- email/notification_review.php
- email/welcome_email.php
- password-change.php

* Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade