Ultimate Member Core Plugin 2.8.6

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Download Ultimate Member Core Plugin 2.8.6 from nulled fire. Ultimate Member is the #1 user profile & membership plugin for WordPress.
* Enhancements:

- Added: Site Health sections
- Added: oEmbed field type
- Added: YouTube field type supports YouTube Shorts links
- Added: Profile permalink base options: Unique hash, Custom usermeta
- Added: UM Form meta `um_form_version` for legacy support in the future
- Added: Setting "Deleting user comments after deleting a user" for WordPress native logic workaround
- Added: `aria-invalid` and `aria-errormessage` attributes to the fields on UM Forms
- Updated: Structure for enqueue assets PHP classes
- Updated: [Hooks Documentation v2](https://ultimatemember.github.io/ultimatemember/hooks/)

* Bugfixes:

- Fixed: Member directory search query escaping process
- Fixed: Added 'ID' metakey to the blacklist. It's not possible to create field with 'ID' metakey to avoid the conflict
- Fixed: Add/Edit Field metabox and "Field Icon", "Conditional logic" fields
- Fixed: Init `jquery-slider-ui` script/style on the block editor page
- Fixed: Displaying "Notifications Account Tab" setting
- Fixed: Displaying Post Date on the User Profile > Posts tab based on this [article](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2019/09/23/date-time-improvements-wp-5-3/)
- Fixed: Small PHP warning, notices and typos

* Deprecated:

- `UM()->enqueue()` use `UM()->frontend()->enqueue()` method
- `UM()->admin_enqueue()` use `UM()->admin()->enqueue()` method
- `UM()->admin_enqueue()->suffix` property use `UM()->frontend()->enqueue()::get_suffix()`
- `UM()->admin()->enqueue()->suffix` property use `UM()->frontend()->enqueue()::get_suffix()`
- Changed directories for the fonts (fonticons + raty), and JS/CSS files related to libs `jquery-ui`, `raty`, `select2`, `tipsy`, `fonticons (FontAwesome + Ionicons)`

* Templates required update:

- account.php
- login.php
- password-change.php
- password-reset.php
- register.php
- profile/posts-single.php

* Cached and optimized/minified assets(JS/CSS) must be flushed/re-generated after upgrade