Woocommerce Box Office 1.2.5

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Download Woocommerce Box Office 1.2.5 from nulled fire. Box Office for WooCommerce allows you to create and sell tickets directly to customers
* Dev - Update PHPCS and PHPCompatibility GitHub Actions.
* Add - Compatibility testing with "WooCommerce Payments".
* Dev - QIT related fixes.
* Dev - Add Playwright end-to-end tests.
* Dev - Bump PHP minimum supported version from 7.2 to 7.3.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce "tested up to" version from 7.8 to 8.0.
* Dev - Bump WooCommerce minimum supported version from 7.2 to 7.8.
* Dev - Bump WordPress "tested up to" version from 6.2 to 6.3.
* Fix - Styling of the create ticket form within the admin.